• Fantastic Coasters

    Inversiones Intensidad Arnés Incomodidad

    Very good ride but bad trains. Sik is better!

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Primera caída Fun Duración Incomodidad Airtimes Tiempo muerto

    The world's tallest, fastest and steepest monorail! Jokes aside, the view going to the top of the lift is incredible! Crazy drop with violent laterals and ejectors! Very long ride with 1 good ejector moment into the mcbr!

  • Fantastic Coasters


    Good little coaster for the kids!

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Arnés Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Very painful roller coaster! The restraint does not touch you so you get some crazy ejector but mind your legs because it is very rough!

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Primera caída Intensidad Hangtime Arnés

    Very underrated wing coaster! The wing over drop gives great hangtime, the banked turn over the water is quite intense and sometimes makes me grey out! The Inline twist over the station is very fun! Overall a great short and sweet coaster with good positive g forces and hangtime! Also the theming around the area is great. The vest restraints can be quite tight for taller people.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes Tematización Fun Tiempo muerto

    Very good pacing, laterals and pops of airtime throughout. At night the coaster's theming and speed is on a completely different level! Absolutely beautiful little GCI coaster.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Layout Capacidad Arnés

    This is what infusion should have been! Surprisingly smooth for an SLC, some nice positives and hangtime! Very nice short and sweet layout. The capacity and restraints are bad because it only runs 1 train and it can hurt your shoulders if you're tall.

  • Lonkams_coaster

    Tematización Inversiones Intensidad Torta

    Coaster enfermé dans une très belle théma et qui arrache comme il faut, du gros g+ du début à la fin et un 0g roll qui reste une de mes inversions préférées !

  • Lonkams_coaster

    Primera caída Inversiones Layout

    Inverted qui fait le même compromis que oziris c'est a dire enlever un peut d'intensité pour varier les sensations mais qui le fait mieux à mon sens, superbe (en plus la situation dans stockholm, whoa)

  • Lonkams_coaster

    Inversiones Comodidad Layout Launch

    Coaster que j'adore, des petites pointes d'intensités et de tension dans un layout globalement aérien c'est tout ce que je demande.