• Naxster

    Primera caída Comodidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Super coaster ! La first drop est très intense suivi de l'over-banked turn après le passage dans le tunnel ! Le coaster perd beaucoup de vitesse après le passage en gare...Sinon il est bon, un peu court il est aussi bien à faire au premier rang qu'au dernier

  • Isaiah Wolfe

    Launch Fun Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Although it's very short, Tigris is a really good time. The beginning of the ride is extremely fun, and gives me a rush I keep coming back for. And the drop in the middle feels really cool. I don't understand why everyone complains about the restraints? I actually find them quite comfortable lol

  • Carter Eckhart

    Situación Velocidad Fun Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Airtimes

    The 5th drop literally gives no airtime but the ride does have great pacing and some strong laterals at the end to make up.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Velocidad Ejectors

    Immensely fun and surprisingly decent capacity, this fantastic airtime machine makes a fantastic addition to the park.

  • Brian D.

    Tematización Obra maestra Intensidad Vibración

    Among my 192 credits, Der Schwur des Kärnan is my all-time favourite. Because holy crap this ride is insane. It has the most intimidating presence of any coaster I've been on, and the excitement I feel before I ride it is above that of any other roller coaster I've done. The theming is great, and the storytelling is the strongest of any coaster, and although the outside portion isn't themed as much, which it doesn't really need because of the speed, the inside is full of immersion. The intensity is among the highest of any ride I've been on, although I haven't grayed out once. One con is that in most rows it does have a noticeable rattle, which borders on jackhammering in some cases, but often it goes hand in hand with the intensity, so I don't really mind it. Also, the soundtrack is amazing, like I had it on repeat for a couple of weeks. The best row is the front, where you get the smoothest experience, and a pro-tip, if you get any row make sure to get the far-left seat, because with the non-inverting sea serpent roll and the double stengel dive you get absolutely yanked which is great fun. The best experience I've had yet is when I got the last ride of the day paired with perfect weather, and together with a friend of mine we got the front-row, and I got the far-left seat. That experience is honestly a core memory. I absolutely love this ride.

  • Brian D.

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    I have ridden Untamed a total of 19 times, and I have enjoyed every time. I just can't help but laugh uncontrollably throughout the whole ride because of how fun it is. It has some of the best airtime moments in Europe, and the corner stall is the best inversion on any RMC I've done. What sets this apart from other RMC's is that this ride is a complete package, even more so than rides like Zadra imo. The rerideablitity is crazy. Also, the backseat is the place to be, just like many other RMC's.

  • Estelle Chapelain

    Tematización Fun Demasiado corto Capacidad Arnés

    Coaster super mais pour un petit park et non pour un gros park comme selui la avec trop de monde et un mauvais rendement, sinon du Coaster en lui même c'est simple est fun

  • Estelle Chapelain

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Velocidad Capacidad Airtimes Lap Bar

    Très bonne surprise se Coaster !! Je m'attendais aun truc simpatique et puis voilà mais une fois ressorti de la!! De 1 il est fluide de2 super bien intégré de 3 les op son supper et de il est long. Mais il y a quelques que petite chose qui me déplaise, c'est que le pré chaud et un peu trop long mais encore sa passe puisque il est bien fait mais la chose que j'aime le moins mais sa c'est mon avis c'est la lap bar. Qui pour moi est très inconfortable mais 3 jour après j'ai été a vulcania pour faire le seul coaster et malgré que se soit presque. Les mêmes trains et ba c'était pire. Mais bon ont si fait asser vite. Et il y a une autre chose que je n'aime pas, c'est le débit mais sinon c'est une excellente réussite pour le pal est intamine et comparé a se qu'on pourrait croire c'est fiable donc géniale. Et c'est un opérateur qui ma dit sa. Prèfe une superbe attractions

  • Emilien Terrot

    Lap Bar ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Demasiado corto

    Vraiment super et très bien thématisé pour un parc qui a vocation j’espère vraiment à devenir très grand ? Merci

  • Samuel Henman

    Primera caída Obra maestra Suavidad Capacidad

    One of the best rides, when I visited sometimes only 1 train running so can be slow. The airtime is great, so smooth, great first drop and it is simply a masterpiece, easily the best ride in Europe.