• Scott van der Roest

    Primera caída Intensidad Tematización Capacidad

    Most terrible waiting queue ever, everybody is trying to skip the lines and employees don't do anything about it, but the first drop is amazing. In Europe one of an kind, an must do!

  • Ringo815


  • Koen

    Duración Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    How does this coaster stay together. The rattle is beyond anything. Even a flat curve the train just slides through it, almost drifting. Convert to RMC like our sister park in The Netherlands perhaps (Walibi Holland)?

  • Koen

    Tematización Layout Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Yeah...the coasters that gave Vekoma the infamous headache reputation. This time in the form of a boomerang. In Walibi Holland is a copy, or vice versa, named Speed of Sound (Via Volta during Six Flags I believe). The layout looks impressive, the theming suits it very well. And that's it. I had a headache for the rest of the day. Maybe it wipes my short term memory to not go again. Time to replace it with their new track design.

  • Koen

    Suavidad Layout Ejectors

    In contrast with the rest of the parc, this is an incredible fresh and new rollercoaster. Interesting for an Intamin coaster it contains some RMC style elements too. To kick off, this lifthill is fast. I love it picks up the pace suddenly and pulls your over the hill. The first drop though, is not my favourite. Any drop with a twist, curve and so on really reduces the intensity. But after that its madness. The different kind of elements want you throw you out of the train in different ways. The first half of the track is just these different kind of ejectors passing by one by one and at the second half it stays rather low to the ground and briging those curves and bunny hops in for the g-forces.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Fun Layout Vibración Capacidad Incomodidad

    I get why people hate it, it can be really painful, but I still enjoyed the ride and layout. The biggest downside of the ride is it's capacity, only one train and 40 min queue.

  • スチールシープ2003


  • Tom Fairnie

    Fun Demasiado corto

    A good step up from Woodstock and fun start for kids on a woodie. Bit too tame for the enthusiasts thou

  • Tom Fairnie

    Simple little kiddie coaster. Not much to offer prob a good starter rollercoaster thou

  • Tom Fairnie

    Airtimes Vibración Incomodidad

    During my visit the first drop had been topper tracked which made the first drop rather smooth although that first drop had no airtime while the rest of the ride. Unfortunately the rest ride is built around repeatedly punching you in the gut making the whole experience rather painful. This ride either need a full retracking or the RMC treatment