• Tom Fairnie

    Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Layout

    Too simple of a ride just a drop two turns and two corkscrews.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Tematización Velocidad Fun Demasiado corto Intensidad

    This ride feels like a sample of what GCI has to offer. Its a little short and its a family coaster so the forces aren’t as strong as most of the larger GCI’s, but InvadR still has the blueprint and elements that are unique to GCI. The ride still has some fun airtime pops and turns too, plus the pacing is quite good and gets better throughout the ride. The viking theming is also cool and kinda funny at some points. Overall it’s nothing crazy but it’s definitely an above average family coaster and does what it sets out to do.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Tematización Incomodidad Sin interés

    This ride feels slower than a monorail, yet the transitions are so jerky and badly profiled that they still manage to deliver an absurd level of pain. Despite how the front of the ride looks, the inside of the building is just a big metal box completely void of any theming. Overall the pure torture in both boredom and pain that this coaster inflicts combine to make it one of the worst I’ve ridden.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    It used to be a coin toss whether you would get a decent ride or a bad and painful ride on this. However in recent years, every ride on this is worse than either of those 2 previous scenarios. This coaster is ridiculously rough and the transitions are just downright awful. You have to ride defensively throughout the entire ride and that still won’t stop all of the pain. And to top it all off you end the ride with the most painful part of the ride, this horrendous transition going into the brake run that no other SLC has. On top of the ride feeling like it’s going to fall apart, it also looks like it’s going to fall apart too. Not only is the paint fading, but it’s completely peeling at many points as well. This coaster does pull some force but not much and I personally think that these SLC’s just have pretty boring layouts. Overall this coaster just plain sucks, unless you enjoy having your head be smashed to pieces.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Vibración Incomodidad Sin interés

    An extremely boring and slow coaster, and every time you go more than 5 mph the ride feels like it’s going to fall apart and murders you with roughness. Plus the transitions feel like they were designed on paper by a 5 year old. Honestly the best part about this ride was the random pool in the middle of the coaster. Overall the ride was pointless, painful and one of the worst coasters I’ve ridden.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Vibración Arnés Incomodidad

    You start with the backwards lift which is actually pretty fun as you are hanging there facing straight at the ground. Then you drop and traverse the layout forwards. This section is alright, nowhere near as intense as a normal boomerang and a bit of a rattle plus some discomfort with how bulky the restraint is and the little bit of head banging you get during the cobra roll. So far not good but nothing too bad. But then you hit the forwards lift hill and the ride turns to garbage. Your legs flop down due to being at the vertical angle and the back of your knees dig into the the seat and stay there for the rest of the ride, causing searing pain and visible marks. This is truly one of the worst and most painful coasters I’ve ridden.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Vibración Arnés Incomodidad

    The new trains didn’t make this better at all, in fact they made it worse. The ride is still insanely rough, and instead of head banging you now get thigh crushing and horrible back pain from the awful seat mold which in my opinion is definitely worse. For sure one of the worst coasters I’ve ridden.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Vibración Incomodidad Sin interés

    This one definitely runs faster than the KD one which actually makes it worse. The ride is very rough and the jerky transitions are extremely painful, it gave me a headache which never happens on coasters for me. Plus since the coaster is in complete darkness you can barely see the upcoming horrible transitions and you have no time to brace for them. Even though this one runs faster than the one at KD, it still feels like it’s going to valley at many points and the ride is just pretty forceless overall. Even the launch on this one didn’t do anything for me. Overall this ride does nothing and hurts like crazy, a perfect recipe for one of the worst coasters I’ve ridden.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Suavidad Tematización Incomodidad Sin interés

    It’s already my least favorite wild mouse because it pulls zero force, even the hairpin turns give no laterals. However they had to make the ride way worse than it already was by adding that stupid horn. That thing might be the most annoying sound I have ever heard in my life. I put discomfort as a con not because the ride itself hurts, in fact the one good thing about the coaster is that it’s butter smooth and it doesn’t have any bad transitions, but because the horn is actually painful. My ears wanted to explode every time that darn thing went off. It’s the only coaster I’ve ridden where the theming made the ride worse.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Incomodidad Sin interés

    Probably the roughest of the zamperla kiddie coasters I’ve ridden which are already extremely lackluster and painful so just terrible ride overall.