• Tim Rahoens

    Airtimes Obra maestra Hangtime

    Awesome surprise, need to visit more times to enjoy this coaster, only sad point is that it is at a themepark where as an adult the offer is limited

  • Tim Rahoens

    Arnés Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    this coaster looks like it's obviously at the end of it's lifecycle... Uncomfortable ride... from start to finish... After 29 years, time to get something a little up to date that will not injure people please <3

  • Tim Rahoens

    Intensidad Vibración ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    Rattle Rattle Rattle, uncomfortable ride. Had such an uncomfortable ride at the back row. Storyline is disappointing, could be waayyyy better overall.

  • Tim Rahoens

    Capacidad ¡Buena sorpresa! Incomodidad

    Highly underrated coaster, nice elements such as the dark parts. Be sure to take a ride in the back, also great views when going in during the evening and see the park ( Especially during wintertraum when you can see the Berlin place with the christmas tree)

  • Ryan Hanna

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Hangtime Demasiado corto Capacidad

    This coaster is short but sweet. The coaster is pretty fun, but it is too short to be a great coaster. The first launch is gradual, but forceful enough to be decent. The loop is amazing, and the hang time and view is ridiculous. The tunnel has some surprising and fun moments and the final drop at the end has insane ejector airtime. Just too short of a ride for the wait time and the capacity isn’t enough to make it a great coaster.

  • Ryan Hanna

    Inversiones Velocidad Duración Incomodidad

    I’m just gonna be honest, I’m not a fan of B&M stand up coasters. I feel like they lack intensity and just aren’t really worth the wait half the time. Riddler’s Revenge is probably one of the better stand up coasters, and the amount of inversions makes this ride better than most. The pacing is good on this ride, but there isn’t much intensity. Overall, just a decent coaster, but if you love stand up coasters you will love this ride. Wouldn’t ride if the line is long and the restraints aren’t very comfortable. I feel like stand up coasters are just pointless and don’t really have any positives specifically to the stand up feature.

  • Ryan Hanna

    Velocidad Layout Tiempo muerto

    It is basically a tame suspended coaster. Not much to it and isn’t intense at all unless in the back row. Recommend the back row for most intensity; whips you around a good bit in the back. Only worth riding in the back, unless there is no line. Pretty tame family coaster for the most part and just doesn’t have much to offer. Feels pretty slow and pointless towards the front.

  • Corentin B.

    Obra maestra Suavidad Ejectors

    Quelle bombe, deux launch qui font le boulot sans être extrêmement mémorables, des ejectors partout, des g+ et une bonne vitesse, le tout dans la magnifique zone aqualantis et sans aucune vibration, abyssus est un coaster parfaitement équilibré et proposant un panel de sensations très variées ! une très belle réussite

  • Corentin B.

    Airtimes Primera caída Suavidad

    A chaud comme à froid kondaa est une tuerie, de bons airtimes, une drop qui arrache au last row et aucun temps mort si ce n'est durant la phase de transition du NICR. Un coaster puissant donc et d'une fluidité assez incroyable. A aller rider absolument.

  • Kiki

    Capacidad Velocidad Tiempo muerto Layout

    Un petit Coaster qui a le mérite d'exister avec une file d'attente thématisé (et même des acteurs quand j'y était allé à Halloween) un bon débit et une vitesse vraiment agréable amplifié par un lift à pneu qui rend la montée fluide, on prend plaisir à le faire même si le layout est pas ouf et que il ne procure aucune sensation. Il occupe tout de même bien le temps.Notons un début de thématisation à cette époque plutôt correcte même si trop faible encore.