• Dennis van Rijswijk

    Fun Fluidité

    Pretty fun layout and very smooth. Wish it went faster though

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Intensité Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    I'm actually a big fan of the Condor ever since the new trains. The shoulder harness has been much improved too. I know it gets a lot of hate and I won't say it's undeserving, I just really disagree. It's super fun to hang below the coaster and the layout is very fun. I especially realised how important the new train is, when I did the same coaster in Movie Park Germany, except that one was not updated at all. UPDATE: I rerode it yesterday for the first time in years. I don't know what I was thinking before! This thing hurts like hell!

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Théma Situation Launch Baffes Inconfort Temps mort

    Great theming and very good launch. That's about it though. I've heard Rock n Rollercoaster has theming during the same layout, so that seems better, but then again, the queue theming is good at Xpress.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Vibrations Fiabilité

    You might think 3.5 stars is too much for a "family wooden coaster", but trust me, I've had awful rides on Tonnerre 2 Zeus recently that were devoid of airtime that I have to give it 3.5 stars. There are a couple of reasons: As I stated earlier, the ride has some powerful airtime up front (I rode in rows 7 and 2), especially with the great Intamin T-bars That are freeing and (in my opinion) better than their new over the head lapbars. The drops are also quite good in the back, but it is a front car ride for me. There are a few reasons why the back rows can be a little better though. The ride has a noticable rattle on all turns but the pullouts are smooth in the back (expect the one before the 4th turnaround, which as a jarring jolt in all rows). It is a different story up front though. The start of the pullout is smooth but the pull up into the turnarounds is pretty rough everywhere on the ride. Ironically, the turn out of the station is one of the roughest moments on the ride. The brakes are violent too. As for the layout, if I had to compare it to another old Intamin, it would be Indiana Jones et le Temple du Péril. If there was a 3.75 stars option, I would give it that, it was better than Tonnerre 2 Zeus (please retrack the turns though, then I would give it 4 stars). It is also unreliable. It wasn't open before 11AM and closed (possibly for the day) at 4PM.

  • GLaDOS

    Fun Vibrations Inconfort

    This coaster is not fantastic! Kinda like Vol d'Icare. I rode in row 4 which was uh... not great. The brakes engage when you leave the station (???) and the first drops are fine but the rest is not fine. The turns are extremely jerky and have an awful rattle, not on the turns themselves but on the transitions in and out of them. I get that this is the oldest coaster at the park but it isn't good and is made mostly out of rust. It least the trains are cute and the restrains and leg room are fine. At least Korottruck won't try to kill you

  • Marko Tsang

    Airtimes Layout Longueur Théma Temps mort Lap Bar

    Twisted Colossus is an excellent RMC with great ejector airtime, a long duration because it is a Mobius loop layout, and other great elements, such as the original zero-g stall. However, there is one large dead spot, that being the lift hill on the green track. The RMC lap bars are also not my favorite, not because of the shin guards, but NO GRAB BAR! I love using the grab bars most restraints provide in order to hold up the restraint from coming down throughout the ride. I also measure the forces each ride offers with my Apple Watch's Ride Forces app. In this case, I had to hold on to the metal bars on each side of the restraint in order to get an analysis of the forces. It is also hard to get a duel, as on my first ride, I did not get one, but on my second ride, I did get one. I am actually considering myself lucky, as most people do not even get duels at all! Theming was a minimal steampunk theme as it was in the park's Screampunk district, which is typical of a Six Flags park. It is a close second in the park, after another one of Alan Schilke's creations, X2.

  • GLaDOS

    Fun Débit Inconfort

    Well, it's a spinning wild mouse that doesn't spin. Which isn't a huge loss, in fact I prefer the lateral Gs that normal hairpin turns offer over the dizzying spins that this should offer. There were a couple pops of airtime and the drops were decent. Capacity is pretty awful though. Even in the last couple of stairs, the wait times were atrocious (10 minutes for 6 groups to get on). I don't get why it gets so much hate. It is flawed, but decently fun.

  • GLaDOS

    Fun Inconfort

    The main perk of this kiddie coaster is not being a wacky worm/big apple coaster. It has a pop of mild airtime, some lateral Gs, but the train is cramped. The restraints were manually unlocked, which is charming.

  • #Awesome Alex

    Airtimes First Drop Layout Vibrations Temps mort

    The coaster was fun to ride, and I liked the free falls. However, it was pretty bumpy, but it just adds to the experience in my opinion.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Fun Intensité

    This was my first coaster that went backwards. It was fun but going up the lift hill backwards scard me