• Coaster Nut

    Launch Tiempo muerto

    The launches were awesome. After that, the ride was fun with the cobra rolls, but they weren't as intense as I thought they'd be.

  • Coaster Nut

    Tematización ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    This is a ride where the concept is more exciting than the actual experience. It looks like it should be really scary and thrilling ride, but it always ends up being a bit of a letdown. The harnesses are never really comfortable, and the flying feeling is not as fun as I think it will be. I never have a desire to do any of these flying rides more than once.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Torta

    I first rode this in 1989 when it was the "tallest full-circuit coaster in the world." It was pretty intimidating back then, and I was the only one of my group of six college friends who was brave enough to go on it. I remember being pretty scared going up the lift hill, and the first drop took my breath away. It was a smooth and thrilling ride. 30 years later in 2019, I rode it again in its last season. It had gotten pretty shaky, but it brought back a lot of good memories of a fun day at KI with my college buddies.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Suavidad Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    I read a lot of great reviews about this coaster, so I went in with high hopes. While I enjoyed it, it didn't live up to the hype for me. The airtimes are fun, but the thrills overall were mild to moderate. It wasn't as intense as I thought it would be.

  • Daksh Gahlot

    Airtimes Launch Intensidad Demasiado corto

    Goated, one of the most underappreciated rides in the world. Truly a masterpiece.

  • Jean-Sébastien S.

    Tematización Vibración Torta Demasiado corto

    1h d'attente au lieu des 25 min annoncées. Un peu long pour un coaster sympa mais sans plus, qui met quelques baffes dans la 1ère partie aquatique avant le lift et vibre déjà dans la partie coaster...

  • Je B.

    Situación Capacidad

    Un très jolie petit kiddie, il est vraiment bien intégré, c'est franchement agréable !

  • Je B.

    Tematización Fun Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    Un family joliment intégré, le coaster est plutôt fun, c'est marrant, mais ça reste bien trop court au final. Le confort est pas fameux, quelques baffes dans les virages, mais ça reste totalement ridable.

  • Enzo Drl

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Capacidad

    Noisette express est une très grosse surprise. J'ai pu le tester à froid en début de journée pour éviter d'avoir 45min d'attente en journée et franchement même à froid le coaster est plutôt bon. Avec deux petits air times et une petite helix tout en survolant une petite rivière. Petit point Négatif le débit, le temps d'attente a vite monté au fil de la journée

  • Sébastien Villaume

    S'il existait un Captain Coaster dédié aux kiddies, je mettrais 5/5 à Noisette Express