• Adrien Desmoru

    Airtimes Comodidad Obra maestra

    Moment magique

  • Adrien Desmoru

    Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra


  • Adrien Desmoru

    Airtimes Tematización Obra maestra

    Fabuleux !!!!!!

  • Kellen Grady

    Tematización Duración Vibración

    Generally fun but unremarkable, but easily the best theming of any coaster at Magic Mountain. The queue is much more enjoyable than most here - even the brand new West Coast Racers. Other than that there's some fun moments but nothing to write home about. 03-22-22 re-ride: Okay, just rode this again with a full train on a hot day and it was HAULING ass. Literally felt like we were going faster than Escape from Krypton (though I know that wasn't happening). I definitely have a newfound love for this coaster now that I've ridden it at it's peak performance. Put some lights in the effin' queue though.

  • Kellen Grady

    Situación Fun Tiempo muerto

    This is a nice and pleasant ride, with a lame finish. Not a whole lot else to say about it - it doesn't stand out at all, but it's fun and has great views.

  • Kellen Grady

    Velocidad Intensidad Layout Incomodidad

    Maybe it’s because my train was near empty, but I was disappointed by this one compared to my expectations. Maybe when I ride it with a full train in a few weeks, my opinion will change, but as of now it’s just a pretty good dueler that’s far rougher than it should be.

  • Kellen Grady

    Lap Bar Launch Hangtime Demasiado corto

    Great launch directly into a huge loop with great hangtime, with another reverse launch AND forward launch consecutively afterwards with a huge hill. I loved this one despite it's simplicity, and that unhinged laugh sound it plays as you're launched backwards is a beautiful touch.

  • 手取Fishland

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Layout

    予習ゼロで乗ったら殊のほか楽しめた。ヘルタースケルター グルグル廻る滑り台。

  • Sensory Screams

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Confiabilidad

    This ride is amazing. 5 stars. The ejector pops are amazing, and the death roll is too. The only problem is the ops. There can be no wind at all, and they'll shut it down to wind.

  • Francisco Perez


    This doesn't have as many big drops or intensity as the other wild mouses and is trimmed to death