• Solar Winds

    Intensidad Layout Confiabilidad

    Batwing is a great Flying Dutchman ride with intense elements (especially the forward facing loop), but it suffers from reliability issues. It is a roll of the dice if the ride will be open as it is very technical and complicated. The dispatches are often very long as well. Still, if you are able to get on it, it is a blast from start to finish. I love the near miss elements and the low to the ground section towards the end.

  • Solar Winds

    Velocidad Layout Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Mind Eraser has the bones of a decent coaster but it suffers from headbanging and uncomfortable restraints. The ride has solid pacing and several near miss elements but you have to focus on riding it defensively the entire time.

  • Solar Winds

    Inversiones Launch Intensidad Vibración Confiabilidad

    A fun spaghetti bowl coaster. The launch provides a nice punch and the inversions are all great. The second half picks up in intensity. The only downside is the reliability, as the ride seemed to break down every other train. There is also some shuffling at times but it is nothing too bad.

  • Martin Hrn

    Capacidad Comodidad Fun

    Je vais être honnête, silver star c’est avant tout un débit qui est juste incroyable et un confort irréprochable. J’ai trouvé qu’il ne vibrait pas et le coaster offre des floatings assez sympathiques (rien de bien transcendant non plus ). En gros Silver star c’est confortable et c’est fun avec de bonnes petites sensations comme lors de la first drop et de l’entrée/sortie des mdbk. A faire au moins une fois dans la journée

  • Rex_I_Guess

    Airtimes Tematización Arnés Capacidad

    Has many music selections and you can get a 5 minute wait in the single rider line where you would usually get a 70 minute wait

  • Brian Start

    Fun Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    An alright mouse, but they only had a single car running the track at a time which made the line last about 3x longer than it needed to. Also meant you're basically stuck on the ride an extra couple minutes while you wait for the 3-4 cars ahead of you to get empties. Either REMOVE some of those trains from operating so they don't block the station, or just... actually have more of them running the course.

  • Liight .

    Launch Layout Hangtime Arnés

    This would be an amazing coaster, but Seaworld Entertainment ordered it to have the dreaded comfort collars. These are thin plastic that goes around you neck. They dont both me much, put pretty much everyone hates them. The operators at this ride are very nice, but they do assign seats. The hangtime on this coaster alone makes it worth waiting for though.

  • Liight .

    Launch Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    This is a great ride. It is barely considered a family coaster, but really only is due to it not having anything too intense, other than the launches being decent. i gave it "dead spots" because before the 2nd launch the coaster kinda meanders around, and you lose all your speed on the tree top, which makes the pacing a bit wonky. I like the treetop element, but its kind of a dead spot. Either way this is a ride that is just good fun, definitely recommend.

  • Liight .

    Airtimes Capacidad Comodidad Tiempo muerto

    This is the coaster ive ridden more than any other, and it is an amazing ride. Great floater, and even a speed hill with some mild ejector. The dead spot is the first bit after the mid courses. It brings you a bit to the left, into a small camelback, which is forceless. After that though, it brings you into some overbanks over footpaths and a lake which i love. Did i mention 85% of this coaster is over a lake? its in the corner of the park, so you get a good view of orlando. This coaster also has a light package on the lift hill which is nice, and music that plays on the lift, which is good. Overall this is the best b&m hyper, atleast in north america.

  • Liight .

    Fun Intensidad Ejectors

    there is nothing wrong with this ride. this ride is legit perfect. insane airtime. good laterals. awesome inversions. the only people who wouldn't love this are non coaster enthusiasts. it is glass smooth but the layout may be too much for many. amazing ride though.