• Danilo G.

    Fun Incomodidad

    For a coaster standing for more than a 100 years it is so much fun! We laughed all the way till the end. People who complain that much look like they don’t know how old this thing is!

  • Kevin Gordon
  • Kevin Gordon

    This is probably my least favorite inverted steel coaster I've ever been on.

  • Abdenour Bouaziz

    Airtimes Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Demasiado corto

    Meilleur Wooden que j'ai testé! Je recommande fortement!

  • Joshua Butner

    Primera caída Lap Bar Duración

    Raging Bull is the only B&M hyper I have ridden to this point so I don't know how it compares to others but it is a good time. Raging Bull is one of my most ridden coasters and at this point, my favorite (this is not to last as I am off to Cedar Point and BGT this summer) the drop on this ride feels like it lasts for so long. the line is pretty boring however the ride has a pretty good capacity so that is of no real concern.

  • clubstep

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    Lost Gravity has one of the most mental Drops i ever witnessed. Its like a wing-over, but the Part where it inverts starts way to late. On the outer seats this is a really intense experience. The small speedhill and the weird banked top hat thing have strong airtime, and the following hill too. After that the break run follows, and from there it loses alot of steam. Still a good ride thanks to its first half

  • Teddy Tolosa

    Situación Fun Duración Tiempo muerto

    Le plus long Alpine Coaster du monde, 3'600m de descente avec un dénivelé de 400m qui nous procure + ou - 10min de plaisir à travers la forêt. Le début est très pentu avec de nombreux virages puis rapidement le parcours s'adoucit et les lignes droites s'enchaine permettant de faire de la vitesse. Cependant ce plaisir doit se mériter via les 1'700m et 20min que demande la montée seulement rythmé par les 3 changement de lift. Un conseil si vous le faite à plusieurs, prenez le départ des plus rapide au plus lent car sinon vous risquez de vous rattraper sur ce long parcours et cela peut gêner ceux qui aime la vitesse.

  • Quentin Btq

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Suavidad Vibración Demasiado corto

    Difficile de faire mieux dans sa catégorie familiale ! la partie coaster est trop courte mais procure de bonnes sensations selon la rotation du wagon !

  • clubstep

    Airtimes Tematización Inversiones

    F.L.Y was my first and only Flying Coaster and it exactly delivered what i was expecting. You enter Rookburgh, and this Rollercoaster helps you to really spread your Wings and Experience the Area in such a cool way. The Airtime feels really cool on a Flying Coaster and it has plenty of it. Just like every other ride at Phantasialand, this isnt just another Rollercoaster but more of a completly new idea brought to life. And i love it! Perfect 5/5 for me

  • clubstep

    Lap Bar Launch Obra maestra

    Taron is a speed Monster. It doesnt invert, it doesnt Feature huge ejector airtime moments, it just focuses on speed and i love it. While 117kph isnt nearly the fastest in the World, the tight layout and tons of near misses really make you feel how fast it goes. Its a unique "idea" of a rollercoaster (much like every other ride at Phantasialand tbh). The Nightrides are phenomenal since the already amazing Atmosphere comes in even better with all the smoke and dim lights everywhere. Phenomenal Coaster to me <3