• J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes Intensidad Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    Great ride that surprised me. Can’t believe it was built by dinn lol. It is very smooth in the front but sadly rough in the back. Airtime hills give sustained ejector on a good day, the turns are very intense and lateral filled, and it’s a surprisingly great ride overall!

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes Primera caída Suavidad

    Perfect family coaster, great mix of floater and ejector, quad down is the best part, drop in the back row gives insane ejector. Great ride!

  • Florian

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Vibración

    C'est bien simple Hyperion à les airtimes les plus déments que j'ai jamais eu sur un coaster de ce type, le truc c'est qu'on ne les prend qu'au first drop suivis des deux prochains éléments. La deuxième partie est plus classique, marquée par des banked turns qui font bien le boulot à une vitesse assez soutenue qui rendent le ride vraiment agréable à parcourir. Le hic ? Vibre et pas qu'un peu, surtout à l'arriere

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Tiempo muerto Layout Lap Bar

    To start off, the turns on this ride hurt. I enjoy laterals but the turns hurt because the cars are crap. The lab bar doesn’t work that well, it went up when I was riding. But don’t worry, you won’t fly out because of the next con, no airtime. Plus the layout is stupid and has too many dead spots. I know this is typical for a wild mouse but this one is terrible.

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes Intensidad Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    Great ride with insane airtime and the turn at the end gives insane lats, but it’s a little rough and way too short. The airtime moments make up for it though.

  • Xoom Xoom

    Suavidad Arnés ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto

    Intamin trying to implement RMC-ish Elements into their ride and it didn't go all too well. First drop is probably the biggest disappointement I've ever felt, got nothing on a masterpiece like EGF. Big Airtime Hill is fun (although Intamin has done better hills), Outerbank pretty cool, Cobra roll provides abolutely no forces, no whip, no nothing. Following twister section has some nice airtime pops, Wall Stall is does absolutely nothing (once again). The double down doesn't work in the layout at all, following airtime pop is very good, stengel is... literally nothing and the following few airtime pops are nice with only the last being fantastic. Adding onto that, the trains the ride uses are way too compact to sit in confortably with your feet, leading to a rather uncomfortable ride position. Intamin has done so much better (e.g. the trains on Taron and Hyperion both have a higher heartline and are therefore less compact) and I'm pretty sad this ended up the way it is

  • UC2 Studios

    Primera caída Obra maestra Intensidad

    Insane drop very smooth

  • Dinsley 94

    Fun Suavidad Arnés ¡Decepción!

    I'm redoing my first review. The first time I rode this on the 28.11.2021 it was pretty bad. Came off feeling underwhelmed and a little motion sick because of how the restraints are. Rode it again the following day and had a little more room in the harness. So I think as long as you don't get stapled it's a much more enjoyable experience. First launch is strange, You stop and line up when you're almost at the end of the launch, It's definitely a second half ride. From the second launch onwards it's pretty good, Ok inversions, Couple of good airtime moments. My biggest issue with this is the trim on the large drop after the launch. You can feel it slow you down massively.

  • Dinsley 94

    Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Awful. I did it for the credit and still regretted it. It's not as bad as what people say. It's worse

  • EDB attraction

    Airtimes Primera caída Suavidad Capacidad Confiabilidad

    Une excellente machine qui se transforme à mesure qu'on avance dans la journée, des airtimes monstrueux sur les deux camelback qui suivent la drop, qui est elle même génial. À faire à l'avant et à l'arrière. Le layout est un condensé de ce qu'on sait faire de mieux, très diversifié ce qui en fait sa force.