• Coasteraph TV

    Fun Vibración Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    Pareil que son pote à gauche

  • Coasteraph TV

    Fun Vibración Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    Ça faisait mal, très mal !

  • Coasteraph TV

    Fun Vibración Incomodidad

    C'est fun mais ça te secoue dans tous les sens, et ça reste inconfortable...

  • Coasteraph TV

    Situación Fun Vibración Incomodidad

    La Trace du Hourra reste fun, mais vibre et reste inconfortable... Par contre la vue sur le chantier de Toutatis vaut le détour x)

  • Coasteraph TV

    Demasiado corto Sin interés

    Un Tivoli Zierer... mais en pire : on réduit le layout pour en faire un plus petit. Déjà que pour 2 tours c'est court alors imaginez 1 seul... Ça peut être fun pour les plus petits.

  • Coasteraph TV

    Tematización Fun Layout

    Pégase Express est un très bon coaster familial, qui reste fun à faire ! La théma est très sympa, le layout est original, bref un bel ajout pour le parc Astérix !

  • Coasteraph TV

    Fun Incomodidad

    Malgré l'inconfort, je n'ai pas trouvé Goudurix si "baffant" que ça, c'est plutôt fun mais ce n'est pas horrible comme l'autre Intamin de Disneyland Park !

  • Eric Esty

    Tematización Situación Fun Capacidad

    Line moves slow but really fun ride. Sharp drops and turns, great theming and location in the park, awesome effects and animatronics, and a fun splash at the end.

  • Baptiste Houllé

    Layout Vibración Torta Arnés

    On va rien dire...

  • Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    Primera caída Intensidad Hangtime Vibración Confiabilidad

    This coaster is actually awesome. It has a great first drop after that really intimidating lifthill. The Airtime Hills provide some decent Airtime but you can't really feel it because of the Restraints. The loop is really forceful and the following Scorpion Tail has the greatest Hangtime of any coaster I experienced yet. The train is really weird and definitely not the best, but it provides a unique experience. The ride has a significant rattle and it definitely influences the ride negatively a bit. The Restraints are not the best since they have comfort collars and prevent you from getting Airtime, they however do a good job at keeping you comfortable during hangtime moments and prevent you from headbanging. Overall I have to say I was really surprised by this ride and I am glad I finally got to ride it after 6 years of being a Swiss Coaster Enthusiast, it was way overdue. I will ride again this year and I can't wait. This is now my ratest and most obscure credit, and getting it was totally worth it. The rattle is not that bad, the loop is by far the worst, but I think it is manageable. Make sure to not go to Connyland on a rainy day, Cobra will be closed since it can't operate in the rain. So if you see it running, run and get on it.