• Drive Safely

    Airtimes Launch Layout Arnés

    The best way to describe Lynet is a fantastic ride that’s limited by one thing- its restraints. The ride is long, with an outstanding layout consisting of a punchy launch, lots of airtime, and two great inversions. Personally however, the over-the-shoudler restraint digs into my shoulders and thighs, hindering a lot of maneuvers that Lynet makes. It’s not enough to ruin the ride, though, and Lynet remains a thoroughly enjoyable experience and a must-do at the park.

  • Daksh Gahlot

    Airtimes Primera caída Fun

    Good B&M Hyper. First drop, first camelback, speed hill. All of those are reasons why this is so near and dear to me. Brilliant job B&M. Just wish you had taken notes of this before making Candymonium.

  • Jordan Badré

    Primera caída Vibración Demasiado corto

    Une first Drop sympa et un deuxième virage qui vous plaque au siège. Les sièges sont assez confortables mais toujours ce frein final qui casse la nuque.

  • Tom Fairnie

    Torta Arnés ¡Romper en pedazos!

    The pain!!!!

  • Tom Fairnie

    Tematización Demasiado corto Incomodidad Layout

    Glorified pirate ship

  • Kevin Gordon

    Airtimes Obra maestra Arnés

    Amazing first drop, amazing air time hills, solid ending over water.

  • Kevin Gordon

    A front seat ride is great! Probably the best floorless out there. Great theming, and the layout stays exciting until the end.

  • Kw6sTheater

    Primera caída Velocidad Intensidad Torta

    Wow, this is the first review of Mindbender on here. And it’s such a spectacular coaster! When I first rode this coaster, I ranked it as a 7/10 — a very intense coaster, but the Schwarzkopf Accordion restraints ruined it for me. I was able to secure another trip to West Ed a few days later, and one ride changed that 7 to a perfect 10. I made sure my head was above the OTSR’s and braced for any whiplash. You are nearly able to touch the 15-story ceiling from the top of the lift, but in a split second you are twisted sideways and dive down in an impossibly tight first drop! The next amazing moment is the two back-to-back vertical loops, where I was seeing black by their end — it’s no surprise that this coaster supposedly pulls 5.5Gs! The rest of this coaster is satisfyingly long and thrilling every second of the way, with an ejector pop thrown in as well as a pretty intense helix and a snappy vertical loop; it’s a shame this ride doesn’t get more love.

  • Joshua Butner

    Velocidad Fun

    The Dark knight is one of the most hated coasters at Six Flags Great America and to be honest, I don't see why. I thoroughly enjoy The Dark Knight, sure it is just a simple cloned wild mouse (but it's in a box!) but nonetheless, it is a good time and is decently themed for a Six Flags roller coaster (that isn't at Fiesta Texas) the ride has well enough themed queue after the switchbacks and a nice looking stations as well as some on ride theming that really contributes to the ride even though it is not much. The ride isn't the most thrilling ride (again it is a wild mouse that is in a box) but it isn't supposed to be so I don't see that as a con and speaking of cons I don't really think this ride has any. Now I am not saying it is perfect because it is most certainly not but it is simply a fun ride. Now moving on to any other pros that there might be there is a small section of drops with one decent airtime hill that adds something that isn't just turns. The only other pro beyond that is one small jump scare-like thing on the brake run that might scare someone that is not aware of it but I won't talk about that and I'll let you find out for yourself. overall I would give it a solid 6/10.

  • Jeremy Lepenne

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Velocidad Demasiado corto

    Qu'il est court ce coaster! Parce que sinon, c'est un sans faute! train hyper confortable, vitesse tout du long, airtimes omniprésents, et même des jeux de mots particulièrement mauvais et une théma qui fait plaisir à voir, sans oublier une jolie BO signé IMAscore! C'est du tout bon! EDIT: ridé il y a 3 jours... ce petit wooden commence a vibrer, pas bon ça... Un retrack serait peut être une bonne idée avant qu'il soit vraiment désagréable