• Fantastic Coasters

    Théma Launch Ejectors Fiabilité

    This ride starts with a rolling launch into a nice warm up section that features a hangtime filled inversion into some outerbank turns before starting the amazing swing launch with a great vertical spike and ejector speed hill. There is a trim on the top hat which delays the airtime on the 101° drop but everything else is solid. The stall gives great hangtime, the camelback delivers amazing ejector and the other banked turns and airtime pops are good including the double up at the end. The final heartline roll is very whippy and fast. Overall Toutatis is a solid launch coaster with a combination of good forces and inversions topped off with great theming in the station and the area which creates a world class package experience not to be missed, easily the best coaster in France! One thing I have to criticise about is the reliability because I had 2 days at the park, on the first day Toutatis was operating constantly all the time with no problems, but on the second day it was shut all day due to a technical fault. I hope these reliability issues will be solved sooner rather than later because this ride can't be missed.

  • heroptix

    Bonne suprise ! Théma Harnais

    Way better than any other boomerang. Still some headbanging obivously, but way more enjoyable than other boomerangs.

  • Lukas 42

    Airtimes Launch Layout Fiabilité

    This coaster is just wow: while the section before the triple launch might be fine, but not outstanding, the madness begins with the launch section. While the airtime on the first acceleration is floater, it grows to aggressive ejector moments in the second launch, when going backwards, these are more intense. The top hat might be taken very slowly, but it still has airtime on every seat. After this huge drop, the layout has a bit of everything: nice inversions, forceful turns and airtime in huge amounts and every kind. Kind of interesting is the hill which is banked 90 degrees to the side - this element looks pretty wonky from the outside, but rides extremely calm and offers a short "break" in this wild ride with blistering pacing. During my visits, this ride was down for most of the first day, but luckily, on my second day, it was mostly reliable - I still hope, the park can solve these problems during the time. I strongly recommend the front seat where the sense of speed shows best, but the back row is even better because of the forces and airtime moments which are more intense at this place.

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Inversions Layout Intensité

    It might not be the most intense invert out there, it feels more graceful than the others with heavy positive G's, but it is still an amazing ride. The layout is pretty versatile - the small dip after the vertical loop provides a nice moment of floater airtime and the dive under the water just into the zero-G-roll makes this coaster special. But my personal highlight is the final inversion - it is taken with a lower speed, so this zero-G-roll feels extremely floaty and might be the best of its kind. Theming is nicely done, the queue is one of the best in this park and the station building with the plaza looks awesome.

  • Raymond C.

    First Drop Lap Bar Fluidité Inconfort

    For a wild mouse this was surprisingly good. It is a bit uncomfortable due to the trains but the layout is generally very smooth. The drops are nice and comfortable. It has a nicely themed queue line as well.

  • Lukas 42

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Intensité Inconfort

    One of the most surprising coaster I have been on: The ejector moments are downright insane, especially when going backwards - and the strong positive G's in the valleys caused me some slight greyouts. It is a real rarity which should not be missed out when going to Blackpool!

  • Lukas 42

    Airtimes Fluidité Théma Débit

    This is basically a shorter and less intense version of Big Dipper: the airtime is mostly floater, but it's still good fun. The ride runs smoother than its white neighbour, but this might be due to the heavily cushioned seats which look like Grandma's old sofa. The biggest drawbacks might be the theming which quite doesn't match to a classic old woodie (especially the striking color scheme is an eyesore from this point of view) and the capacity - it runs only one train, so it often has the longest line of this park!

  • Lukas 42

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Longueur

    This one ran pretty well for such an old ride - surely it was a bit rough, but not in an unpleasant way. This long ride has plenty of airtime moments (some of them are really surprising because you won't expect them) and it is just plain fun.

  • Lukas 42

    Confort Layout Longueur Launch

    Well, the launches are both fairly weak (they one of blue fire is way more intense), but that's not what Icon is about. On my first ride, I was a little disappointed, but later rides made me change my point of view for this well-rounded coaster which is easily the best ride at Pleasure Beach. I strongly prefer the front to the back rows, because especially the first airtime hill is much more intense here. I appreciate the long, twisted layout with many intercations with the other coasters, the quick changes in direction and the barrel-roll which provides great hangtime. The end is not the strongest, it kind of fizzles out on the Taron-like transitions, but they are taken too slowly - but the strong beginning and middle section makes up for it. Theming is not really present, but the appearance is still pretty nice with its minimalistic look and sleek architecture. And the beautiful soundtrack is also worth mentioning! Overall, it's an awesome ride which shound not be missed when visiting Pleasure Beach!

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Situation Layout Fiabilité

    As a dark ride, this ride is great: it has a nice story, gorgeous theming (especially in the queueline and station), a catchy soundtrack and immersive effects. The coaster part on the other hand of this nothing special - it's pretty mild and sometimes a little janky. But the location on the lake is really nice.