• Tristan Gauthier

    Comodidad Launch Intensidad

    Une pépite sortie de chez Intamin, par son intensité, ces launchs, un layout super fluide et mouvementé. Un confort bien plus que raisonnable, a l’avant comme à l’arrière nous avons des sensations ! Meilleur coasters français à se jour !

  • Kellen Grady

    Situación Velocidad Layout

    This ride is just ridiculous. I was worried I might overhype it in my head because it's so talked up online, but honestly, after 2 rides (one in front, one in back), I'm just astounded by this ride. It's such an all-in-one type of ride, it's got the theming, launches, airtime, intensity, location, and I could go on. I mean seriously it's just incredible. The only thing that disappointed me was that I thought there would be more on-ride theming (I went in pretty much completely blind aside from the massive level of hype) but on reflection, it's plenty. I mean, the ride kind of loses the plot after the queue, but the experience is so great that it's hard to care. It would be a 10/10 ride if the ride itself felt as cohesive plot-wise as the queue, but it's pretty much perfect as a coaster alone. If you like coasters, get on this ride, no matter the cost.

  • Kellen Grady

    Airtimes Primera caída Duración

    Good lord, so smooth and so jam packed with elements. New top ten for me for sure. Lives up to the hype for me unlike its dueling relative at magic mountain.

  • Kellen Grady

    Tematización Fun Tiempo muerto

    Fun little ride, mid course brake runs kinda kill it but I thought it was really fun, smooth, and the theming was fun although simple.

  • Jonathan Stücker

    Situación Comodidad Fun

    malgré l'âge il reste bien confortable et fun a souhait

  • Jonathan Stücker

    Airtimes Obra maestra Ejectors

    un coaster complet tous ce que je recherche dans une montagne russe avec une très belle situation

  • Lucas Cella

    Tematización Sin interés Tiempo muerto Layout

    I genuinely sat through this like I would sit through a lesson at class. Unimpressed and underwhelmed, pacing is mediocre at its peak and it'll just go in a straight line a few times at its worst. Ride it for the credit, if nothing else.

  • Jonathan Stücker

    Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra

    mon wooden préféré vraiment incroyable surtout cette première first drop ainsi que son stall

  • Lucas Cella

    Intensidad Vibración Torta Tiempo muerto

    Severely underrated coaster, undeserving of most of the slack it gets. Rough but surprisingly intense and a decent ride at the back row, especially given that it is essentially a walk on at some points. Definitely worth riding at least once during your visit. A retrack would do it wonders.

  • Charlie S.

    Launch Velocidad Suavidad Tematización

    Amazing ride, launches are great (especially the second one) but could be more punchy. The ride is glossy smooth and is extremely comfortable. The layout is a decent length and keeps good pace and intensity right up until the last couple of turns. Well stylised aswell but could do with some theming. Better than nemesis imo