Reseñas de montañas rusas
Fun Hangtime Arnés
- [x] West coast racers back row right seat. Had no clue you got to ride both tracks and was very pleasantly surprised by this. Train operators where pretty slow but luckily the line wasn’t bad. Very fun elements and my first time inverting over another running coaster train. Not a bad ride at all and is great for what it is. 4/5
Fun Incomodidad
Typical wild mouse type ride. Can be fun for sure just not what I seek in a coaster
Fun Intensidad Layout
- [x] Tatsu back left seat. What a scary experience! I don’t have very much fear if any while riding coasters but man does this flying position at such a high altitude give me some fear! I’ve been on manta and Superman at over Georgia and this is hands down the most intense and fun flyer I’ve been on! The views are incredible and I love its location in the park with the mountain it sits on! 5/5
Primera caída ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad
- [x] X2 back left out side seat. This was my first ride of the morning and it had no wait at all. Walked out and sat down thinking I was in the front but had no clue you sit backwards! What an intense experience with that first drop. Multiple times I was very close to graying out. Was expecting it to be more rough which it had some spots but honestly with its elements and intensity all things considered it wasn’t an uncomfortable level of rough at all. Very happy to have gotten on this ride because it was the most different of all the rides there and I’ve never been on anything like this before. Fun exciting ride! 4/5 maybe 5/5 if you don’t mind true intensity!
Inversiones Velocidad Intensidad
My first ever rollercoaster. I was a scaredy-cat before this but I got on all those years ago and I’m glad I did. Very whippy and intense and always leaves me slightly dizzy in a good way.
Tematización Intensidad
This might be one of the best themed Skyrocket II coaster. It has a cool horror theme. The ride is, as all Skyrocket II, very fun and thrilling. This coaster model might be short but packs a punch. Sadly I had to get evacuated off the train twice because of technical issues and a mechanic went under the track to repair it. Also the trains are kinda bulky
Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors
Incredible ride. Even think its better than Kondaa. Sitting in the back rows, that first drop takes your breath: it feels like you're getting whipped out of your seat. The second airtime hill and the 4 last bunny hops really pack a punch too. Never had experienced such intense negative G's on a coaster. This ride really deserves its name. Since its an earlier Intamin model the trains are not as comfy as those of the newer ones like Kondaa or Taron. Waiting times were just around 3-10min, even though they ran only 1 train and dispatches were kinda slow
Primera caída Capacidad Suavidad Demasiado corto
the drop is good but after that it's a bit dead. also after the rides finished you spend quite a bit of time waiting to be unloaded
Inversiones Intensidad Suavidad
nearly blacked out on a lot of it but overall a really fun ride :)
Primera caída Lap Bar Ejectors
Meilleure attraction d'Energylandia, personnellement je le préfère à Zadra et kondaa à Walibi Belgium. La première descente est excellente surtout au dernier rang, l'ejector airtime puis le tunnel à 130 km/h donne une bonne sensation. Puis le airtime est excellent et très puissant et dure longtemps. Le dive loop donne un airtime lorsqu'on est tout en haut. Puis le dive loop en lui-même donne de très bonnes sensations, sur le côté les forces latérales sont très fortes. Le stangle dive donne des sensations latérales et positive. Le petit airtime donne peu de sensations mais en soirée ce airtime donne des sensations correctes. Le airtime suivant est très moyen c'est le moment le plus décevant de l'attraction. Au lieu d'être un ejector airtime c'est un airtime très faible et donne très peu de sensations. Le overbank turn est assez sensations et donne des g positif correct. Après cela il y a une petite descente qui donne beaucoup de sensations, un très bon airtime. Le second stangle dive est beaucoup plus sensationnel que le premier, il y a des force latérales et positive. Puis un overbank turn à basse hauteur et un virage, durant ce moment on subi beaucoup de g positif ce qui est très sensationnel. Un petit airtime tout en faisant un changement de direction gauche droite, cet élément donne un bon airtime. Puis 2 airtimes à la fin, ces airtime donnent de très bonnes sensations des ejector assez puissant qui ne durent pas longtemps mais sont assez sensationnel. Seul défaut le jet d'eau peut faire assez mal si vous êtes sur les rangs latéraux. Hyperion est préférable au dernier rang et sur les sièges centraux, les sièges latéraux sont un peu plus intenses (surtout le dive loop). Mais ces sièges moins agréables, il faut essayer ces deux types de sièges pour voir ce que vous préférez.