• Lukas 42

    Situation Confort Airtimes Temps mort

    Not as bad as I expected: yes, the hills are taken way too slow to provide any airtime (even on a hot day) and the ride experience as a whole is underwhelming considering the appearance of this large structure. But on the other hand, there was no major rattle, seats are quite comfortable and some of the drops are still fun. And somehow I like the location close to nature which fits to the charme and appearance of this coaster - and the adjacent railway line can lead to funny duelling effects with the coaster train :)

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun

    A really cool combination between a darkride and a family-friendly indoor roller coaster. Theming is done very well, there is even a (surprisingly dark!) background story. The faster part of the ride is great fun - for this small footprint, the overall experience is amazing!

  • Lukas 42

    Vitesse Fun Layout

    Size doesn't matter - considering the relatively small size of this coaster, the ride experience is outstanding: The turns and changes in direction are taken quite whippy, there are some bunnyhops with great airtime and pacing is kept extremely well from the first drop to the break run. Additionally, the layout is creative and has a decent length - I really like how it is intertwined with the log flume. Additionally, the staff was very kind and funny which adds to the very fun experience on El Toro! Last but not least, a tip for some extra speed: Ride this while or shortly after rain - with wet rails, the bull goes completely crazy :)

  • Lukas 42

    Sans intérêt Layout

    Prepare yourself to get hit with small brushes by the operator :D

  • Andrew A.

    First Drop

    A very smooth ride that has a fun layout and a good first drop but it is just too tame to be considered a stand out coaster. I think some of the airtime moments would have probably delivered more with lap bars instead of vest restraints. A good family coaster rather than a top thrill ride.

  • Andrew A.

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    Hyperion delivers an airtime packed layout. It has an outstanding first drop followed by an intense airtime hill that gives an insane amount of sustained ejector- the best single airtime moment I have experienced. The rest of the ride is snappy and aggressive with more fantastic ejector moments and strong laterals.

  • Inverted Thrills

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Vitesse

    This ride is quite good. It's pretty intense and surprisingly smooth. Definitely a nice surprise

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Inversions Intensité Layout

    This ride really surprised me on rerides. This ride is very intense and has so much foot numbing. Plus there's this one moment that actually has good airtime. Certainly an underrated ride

  • Julian R.

    Airtimes First Drop Bonne suprise ! Trop court

    InvadR is a very good GCI. It gets hate which it doesn’t deserve. It’s just too short. That’s it. It has a lot of airtime hills, the first drop is nice, and it’s an airtime machine that’s a great fit for the park. If you love airtime, I suggest go to Williamsburg, go to Busch Gardens, ride InvadR, then see what you think. It’ll be a nice surprise for you. InvadR is one of my favorites at Williamsburg.

  • Ryan Hanna

    Théma Vitesse Vibrations Layout

    I thought it was alright. Solid wooden coaster. Didn’t give too much airtime and the drops seemed a little lack luster. The speed and pace was great. Recommend the back row for most intensity. Last half of the layout seemed to be tame and not much positives to it. My friends loved it though, but I thought it was alright.