• Mr. Roller Coasters

    Primera caída Comodidad Fun

    This is my favorite giga... Better than Leviathan, definitely. And a little better than Millennium Force. This was an amazing addition to Kings Island and the second best ride in the park!

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors Incomodidad

    This is absolutely world class. The airtime is absolutely wicked, and the first drop... That thing feels like an airplane crash. WOW! The restraints make it so you can't breathe, but you can make the argument that they help the intensity of the ride.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Primera caída Inversiones Hangtime

    WHAT AN UNDERRATED RIDE! A top 3 B&M I've Ridden, and I've ridden a lot of cool ones...

  • Chase W.

    Primera caída Capacidad Suavidad Tematización

    This B&M beauty is a great night ender at BGW. Super smooth, big fat Immelmann's. The two drops are the sweetest in the park. This thing gives Apollos Chariot a run for its money in the marathoning department. Seems to get better every year too. That little pop of air into the splash down is super cute. I get wet during that part in more ways than one.

  • Chase W.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Demasiado corto

    Had to grease my sides to fit into this lil monster but was well worth the effort. This thing slaps.

  • Chase W.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors Incomodidad

    I'm what is known in the industry as a "Big Boy." Just a warning, if you are as tall as me (6'3"), brace yourself accordingly. On my second ride I decided to go hands up whole time since I felt like I got the layout down the first time. Seemed easy enough, just a bunch or airtime hills. Well somewhere during the beautiful flying machines run I jackhammered my knee into that old PTC front wall pretty aggressively. Had to rub some dirt on it and walk it off. That being said this thing is loads of fun for an old well loved woodie. Knoebels rules.

  • Chase W.

    Velocidad Fun Layout

    Came for the Phoenix, stayed for the Twister.

  • Chase W.

    Inversiones Velocidad Layout

    Had to ride the official coaster of r/coasterbros. This beast is great in the sack. Long thick rails whip you around like a ragdoll. But this coaster is also a gentleman in its smoothness. I like to be well restrained while I ride and was tucked in nicely by the ride op. Im an otter but I imagine if a bear were to ride it would suit him just fine. Wish I bought the on ride pic of me doing my "O" face. 4.5 out of five, would bang again.

  • Chase W.

    Comodidad Intensidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Looks like all the PUSSIES have a hard time with this masterpiece. Yeah, she's a little rough, but thats how I like it. And if you cant handle the pot holes and rattles then FUCK YOU. ITS CALLED WILDCAT NOT MILDCAT. So sick of all these GP talking trash about GCI's perfect first born son. If Hersheypark ever RMC's this thing ill kill myself because ill die never having to ride a PC watered down version of a man coaster. This thing takes a dump on Skyrush's chest.

  • Chase W.

    Airtimes Capacidad Comodidad Tematización

    Its a solid BM. Theming is a little corny but not bad. The negative g's are great and the posi's really compact ya. Thought it was gonna stink but it didnt. The hammerhead element is awesome too, worth dropping the kids off at the pool first. The restraints were perfect also, didnt feel like I had to strain too much to get the job done. I think a more appropriate name for this would be the Hershey Squirts.