• SeezyZ

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Intensidad Vibración Incomodidad Confiabilidad

    J'ai été surpris par ce coaster. Tant d'avis négatifs parlant que des vibrations! OK il y en a beaucoup et peut causer des maux de tête faut rester la tète décollée du siège. Mais quel launch incroyable ! Coaster bourrin et intense assez court mais vu l'intensité ça passe . Beaucoup de g positifs durant ce coaster . Environ 4.7G ! Et le launch de 1.25 G a 1.3 G. Conclusion : Bon coaster malgré inconfort et vibrations et longues pauses a cause de la fiabilité.

  • SeezyZ

    Primera caída Inversiones Intensidad Capacidad

    Dragon Khan est un classique. J'ai hésité entre 4 et 4.5. Coaster assez confortable,pas le plus confortable b&m mais ca fait le taff. La first drop est assez longue .Bonne first drop. Le layout est vraiment pas mal et intense avec 8 inversions . Et une très bonne vitesse pour un looper :). Le débit est pas ouf,mais a cause du parc .Coaster assez long.

  • Chase W.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Ejectors Incomodidad

    This is an angry ride. On my first ride I challenged myself to try and keep my hands up the entire time. I failed bad. Somehwhere after the first drop the ride tried to whip me out of my seat into the midway among the disgusting GP waiting for a pound of chocolate ice cream in 90 degree weather. But I had to hold on for dear life as the laterals tried to end my life. The restraints have no side shoulder support so I spent the ride trying to figure out how to anticipate the whips. This is both a pro and a con as it makes the ride feel crazy intense but a little too intense for the non initiated.

  • SeezyZ

    Fun Layout Vibración Incomodidad

    Stampida a un bon layout , un bon dueling en ignorant l'inconfort qui gâche beaucoup le coaster . Beaucoup trop de g latéraux ,beaucoup de vibrations . Je suis ressorti avec des bleus au jambes. Gare jolie.

  • Jeroen

    Intensidad Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    This ride is not that good. The heartline rolls are awful, and the ride starts to rattle really bad. Loop and first drop are good.

  • Jeroen

    Lap Bar Inversiones Fun

    Nothing special but all elements are just good. The lay-out is fun, best part is that zero-G before the brakes for me. The trains are comfy. The preshows get boring after 3 rides but the queue and station are nicely done. Good soundtrack too!

  • Jeroen

    Tematización Fun

    Cool ride, smooth, not wet at all (when I went). Theming is allright.

  • Jeroen

    Airtimes Fun Intensidad

    Size does not matter. This ride slaps. The airtime is amazing and pacing is great. Can't get enough of this ride. I went on a dead day and rode this 22 times and was still wishing for more. More parks with limited space need one of these powerhouses!

  • Jeroen

    Tematización Fun Duración

    Did not expect this to be this good. I like to call it Taron jr. 2 launches, lots of turns and twisty. really cool theming and some great near misses. Lay-out has 5 airtime hills with ZERO airtime but this ride does not need it. (Piraten makes up for that)

  • Jeroen

    Tematización Lap Bar Vibración

    Fun ride with a Rattle.