• Evangelion Martini

    Inversiones Velocidad Intensidad Demasiado corto

    Really fun and whippy Invert that zooms through its layout, making for one of the more aggressive ride experiences I've had on a B&M Invert. However, this combined with the fact that it doesn't really have the longest track length makes the ride feel really short, even compared to other inverts.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Tiempo muerto

    A totally unremarkable Wild Mouse.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversiones Layout Hangtime

    Probably one of the more unique B&M Floorless coasters I've ridden. The jojo roll out of the station gives some fantastic hangtime, and the rest of the layout is pretty fun as well. It wasn't the smoothest B&M I've ridden, but it definitely wasn't enough for call it rough by any means.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Launch Capacidad

    My 3rd Impulse, just like with Wicked Twister, it doesn't really do much for me after the first launch. It is cool to watch though.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Launch Capacidad

    Other than the first launch, this one didn't really do much for me. Kinda just felt like a less fun Premier Skyrocket 2. It is cool to just watch it go though, kinda like Corkscrew.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors

    Super underrated ride! While the first drop isn't that steep, I still got a good amount of floater on it from the back. Later in the course you go through a really fun and long helix, which then transitions to a set of Magnum-esque airtime bunny hills that give some similarly brutal ejector airtime; seriously, you get slammed up and down in your seat if you don't staple yourself. Ride in the back for the most airtime, and prepare yourself for that ejector so you don't hurt yourself.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Incomodidad

    Pretty average woodie that's maybe worth a ride or two if you're just craving any sort of wooden action. The ride probably would have been a lot better with the old buzzbars (like Phoenix's) that it had before its 2016 renovation, but it's still alright I guess.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Primera caída Lap Bar Hangtime Capacidad

    Neat sort of Eurofighter clone that gives some good hangtime along its decently well paced layout. Not the best ride in the park, but it's definitely worth riding.

  • Charles Muckenhirn

    Airtimes Primera caída Layout Vibración

    Un wooden bien hard . Une first drop excellente suivi d'un Headchopper du tonnerre ( de Zeus MDR ) . Un parcours sans aucun temps mort enchaînant airtime , spirale à G latéraux bien hard . Une petite pépite . Même si ca vibre un peu j'ai trouvé que le TDZ de cette année était en grande forme . Tant mieux .

  • Noah Coaster

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Incomodidad

    Le meilleur soquet que j’ai fait