• Na N.

    Obra maestra Hangtime Arnés Tiempo muerto

    Good hangtime and a lot of fun to look at, but it is easy to get stapled.

  • Francisco Robles

    Tematización Launch Vibración Incomodidad

    Launch was really great but after that... there was not much to enjoy. It doesnt help that the first row of each train dont have enough space for your legs and that the ride was shaky.

  • Na N.

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad


  • Na N.

    Launch Velocidad Ejectors Vibración Confiabilidad

    I have ridden this thing at least 100 times. My first ride was in late 2016. So... rare credit! The airtime on LR is so strong that if you aren't stapled, you can see where the seatbelt dug into your lap. Last time I rode LR, in was mid-August 2019 and it closed twice while I was in line, so try to ride early in the day.

  • Na N.

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    My favorite coaster so far. First zero-g roll is easily the best moment on this ride. The only problem with it is that it is so good that it had a 2 hour fast lane wait 30 minutes in to opening. Doesn't lack in anything. you want it? Steel Vengeance has it all!!!!

  • Na N.

    Primera caída Comodidad Suavidad Tematización

    This was my first giga. I had very high expectations and they were exceeded. I was surprised by the STRONG flo-jector on the finale. Best B&M out there.

  • Michaël Schweitzer

    Primera caída Velocidad Hangtime Inversiones ¡Decepción!

    Grosse drop très impressionnante avec un hangtime énorme au sommet. Hélice à pleine vitesse. Du pur bonheur. Néanmoins, les à-coups dans le ZGR gâchent un peu la fin du ride !

  • Aleks W.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Tiempo muerto Layout

    Not as rough as expecting and theming isn't too bad. Helix at the end is good fun and packs a bit of punch. Not bad.

  • Antoine M.

    Launch Hangtime Layout Intensidad

    Dommage pour ce jeune intamin qui ne manque pas d'atouts mais reste très light en airtimes et manque de punch sur la fin du parcours. Le hangtime sur la flèche lors du triple launch est super, idem pour l'immense non inverted loop.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversiones Suavidad Ejectors

    Your standard Arrow looper but with lots of interaction with the fake mountain in the center of the dome. The ride is also smooth, wicked smooth for an Arrow; like, I didn't know Arrows could get this smooth. This one is definitely worth a ride or two, preferably in the back so you can get some nice ejector on the first drop.