• Evangelion Martini

    Primera caída Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Just as obscenely rough and painful as Wild Beast at the other end of the park, but this one is at least a bit fun. This ride (and park for that matter) would be made so much better by a RMC conversion, but Canadian law seems to have put killed any hopes of that, for now at least.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos! Sin interés

    Probably the worst wooden coaster I've ever ridden. Supremely uncomfortable and janky, combined with a nauseatingly boring layout, this ride manages to deliver no thrills while you endure the 3 minutes of torture this ride provides. Minebuster at the other side of the park is just as rough but at least is a bit more fun to ride; if you absolutely must a ride a woody while at Wonderland, just ride that one.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Lots of enthusiasts are quick to single this model of ride (the Zamperla Volare) out as the worst model of coaster ever made, and holy shit they're not wrong. My expectations were at rock bottom, and I was still blown away at how terrible of a ride this torture device gives. The ride is much rougher than you would expect from just watching it run from the outside, and the only things that you'll probably hear while riding are the clanging and rattling of metal and the screams of pain of you and your fellow passengers. People who complain about these are not exaggerating at all; the ride is pure misery, rivaled only by Green Lantern at Magic Mountain.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Situación Comodidad Suavidad Intensidad

    An absolutely gorgeous, butter smooth B&M with an amazing location and some of the best near-miss keyholes in the game. It would be fair to describe this ride as a bit lacking in the force department, but it's still an iconic ride with some neat elements packed into its layout.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Intensidad

    Cute little ride that's feels more like a juiced up family coaster. Would definitely be great for easing non-enthusiasts onto bigger rides so you can hit Cedar Point's bigger rides with them later.

  • Sébastien Villaume

    Un excellent Infinity Gerstlauer ! Le launch envoie bien fort, le layout est long, généreux et inspiré et ce looping étiré est une merveille : le hangtime au sommet est très long et tout aussi jouissif ! Lors de ma visite (août 2019), le confort était optimal. On ajoute que Junker dipose d'une superbe intégration et on obtient un très bon crédit, qui pourrait peut-être être un peu plus intense mais que j'adore tel quel !

  • Gael S.

    Inversiones Torta

    Goudurix est un symbole ! Un symbole de France dans l'univers des parcs ! C'est un coaster qui avait un gros problème d'inconfort mais on voit que le parc essaye de faire des choses comme par exemple les nouveaux appuie têtes en mousse qui rendent le ride plus agréable mais malheureusement cela ne fait que limiter faiblement les baffe reçu, mais je trouve qu'il reste meilleur que TDZ

  • Gael S.

    Capacidad ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Tematización

    C'est un excellent family coaster ! Gerstlauer à bien réussit son travail au niveau du layout et des sensations, son seul défaut est sa thema qui est pour moi négligées

  • Kommi

    Velocidad Intensidad

    I rode in the back and dear god this thing hauled, I greyed out on the loops because of how intense this thing was.

  • - kwurta -

    Comodidad Suavidad Hangtime

    Un des meilleurs coasters que j'ai jamais ridé???????????? N'allez surtout pas à Walibi sans le faire. Montée verticale, first drop presque verticale aussi mais pas très intense, des vrilles énormément agréables... Tout le layout est fluide, aucune AUCUNE vibrations... ET MEME UN HANGTIME ! ?????? Une des meilleures attractions d'Europe.