• Flurin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Comodidad Intensidad

    WOW I thought I knew what mack launch coasters felt like. I was expecting another star trek when going in but I got something quite different. The most intense mack i've been on in my opinion. Really good airtime, a snappy zero g roll and good positives. The launches are, as expected, not that strong but still good enough to make it a fantastic ride. It features a small layout but at the same time a really good one.

  • Flurin S.

    Tematización Situación Intensidad

    Insanely good B&M invert. The theming is really well executed and its amazing how you can barely see the ride from anywhere. Also I find it amazing how intense of a ride they can pack into the 26m height. The last helix is amazing and just as good as the enclosed brakerun in a cave.

  • Flurin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Obra maestra

    My Winjas Fear review applies to this one too : "- Amazing spinning coaster(s). This is the prime example why maurer spinners are my favourite. The special effects (not gona spoil them) make these stand out."

  • Flurin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Obra maestra

    - Amazing spinning coaster(s). This is the prime example why maurer spinners are my favourite. The special effects (not gona spoil them) make these stand out.

  • Flurin S.


    Temple of the night hawk was fun but the VR isn't any good. I recommend to tell the operators to let you ride without the VR. It was way better than the VR experience and gives back the temple of the night hawk vibes.

  • Flurin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Intensidad

    From the ride itself it is the best minetrain. The theming is fine but could get a redo. For a minetrain it is also really intense with a creative layout and it remains exciting until the end.

  • Thijmen B.

    Airtimes Tematización Capacidad ¡Decepción!

    This did not meet it's expectations for me. It is not the best steel coaster on earth, by far not as good as people make it out to be. One train consistently takes 5 minutes to load/unload, the station has absolutely no decoration and looks like they ran out of budget. I listed airtime as a pro, which it would have been had I not gotten stapled literally all my rides I got, and the lap bar tears your legs if you get stapled in it, very discomforting and disappointing!

  • Flurin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Layout

    A really nice and definitly underrated infinity coaster. Fantastic launch, theming and layout

  • Thijmen B.

    Capacidad Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    If this is the best boomerang then I'm really scared to ride another one. That was not enjoyable in the slightest.

  • Flurin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Intensidad

    Well this is a phenomenal ride that deserves more attention. - The ride starts begins with the amazing lifthill experience dancing to CSO - Liftoff (one of the most amazing soundtracks for a coaster) and ends with a bang. The last helix is really intense and the brakerun following it could be considered an element.