• אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Primera caída Layout Incomodidad

    it might not be the best woodie ever,its might not be el toro,but this custom coasters woodie is worth a visit to this little park at grand island.it might be rough,but still,i found it enjoyable to ride,despite the rough spots.build in 1999,this is the first coaster to ever come to fantasy island,however,its a hybrid,since the supports are made out of steel while the track is made from wood.the ride was designed by Larry Bill,which also designed boulder dash and legend,he was really a good designer for woodies.so yes,lets go to why is this the best coaster at the park.first of all,the ride gave some pretty cool moments of airtime,and the hills were pretty smooth in my opinion and really whippy anf forceful first drop.the layout itself is like a prototype that gci would make,since there are some twisty sections throught but in other aspect it feels like a gci,so you can say its a cross between a gci and a cci,a thing which i really liked.but it was a forceful ride too,really good turns with some cool turns,but here comes my main issue,its isnt that smooth,now i expecte that it wont be smooth,and it isnt,its jerky around some parts and can even hurt,but otherways,its a neat coaster,i doesnt have to be extremly smooth to be enjoyable and yes,if they will smooth it it will be more enjoyable but for now,as it is,its a neat coaster and defenitly the best coaster here.

  • Florian Borg

    Velocidad Suavidad Ejectors

    Quel kiff ! Chaque élément du parcours vous éjecte du siège que vous soyez à l’arrière ou à l’avant du train. La vitesse est gardée tout le long du parcours et cela devient intense lors des passages au ras du sol.

  • Dave Scott

    Obra maestra Capacidad Arnés

    Demented genius, this ride is. Utterly uncompromising, smooth yet violent, relentless speed and intensity to leave even the most dedicated coaster fan wondering what the hell just happened. You will come back battered, bruised, out of breath, probably on an adrenaline high. It is almost impossible to not whoop and holler as it goes round. I am reminded of the craziness of J2 at Clementon Lake; merged with Magnum's brutality, the intensity of Nemesis and a whole bunch of other original material rolled into one monster of a package. The ONLY downside is it is very hard work to do multiple rides. This ride does plain hurt; and would desperately benefit from a deeper restraint system to spread out the huge amount of force piled onto your thighs for the whole duration. I hear Untamed at Walibi Holland has further refined the RMC train design so there may be adaptations to bring back to SV to help. I cannot imagine we are riding SV in it's finished form at this time; and I am absolutely sure there will be modifications over the coming years. Possibly for the better. Even so, come and experience it while it is what it is; you will not regret it one jot. The ride is not free of problems, 3-train stacking in the station is way too common. Throw more staff at it; add Yukon's bag-bin conveyor - do whatever you have to to get the thing up to speed. It would seriously be worth considering having two staff per four seats to deal with the legal issues imposed with handling carry-on item specific to this ride. All that said, would still get 6 stars on a scale of 1-5. Come ride it!

  • Dave Scott

    Terrible. Minebuster on the opposite side of the park is far more fun.

  • Dave Scott

    Airtimes Layout

    Another superbly built B&M, Giga this time, is hugely fun to ride and the first drop is astoundingly large. Perhaps, as a somewhat jaded enthusiast the difference between 200ft and 300ft is largely irrelevant whereas what you do with that height and speed is more important hence much preferred Behemoth. Of course, it offers massive floater air; and not a lot else. Car park overlook. Behemoth on the other side of the park has a much better setting, and more to look at. The ride feels incomplete, what with the final brake run above the highest point of multiple other coasters in it's vicinity; feels like a missed opportunity really... Could have ran some mad crazy twister elements into the structure of Wilde Beast perhaps? But nope. Missed opportunities aside, this is a brilliant ride, just one that could have been a stupendous one for a little more effort.

  • Dave Scott

    Straight sections are OK. Square corners leave the latter half utterly unenjoyable. Considering this was the "best" upside down coaster at Canada's Wonderland ALL the way up to the opening of Yukon Striker, it now looks hopelessly anachronistic. Doubt this will be around for much longer.

  • Dave Scott

    Fun launched family coaster with a rapid launch. Better acceleration than Red Force! Sure there are more thrilling rides elsewhere in the park, but that is missing the point of this ride. Appeals to a wide audience, won't scare them off, and might invite them onto the bigger stuff.

  • Dave Scott

    Back in 1999, this was one of the more local parks to me and therefore relatively accessible. The best feature was the first inversion; which gave an incredible view of the very long beach at Southport. Call me insane, I did one day go and ride this about 20-odd times in a row. That's enough SLC to satiate even the most desperate coaster fan!

  • Dave Scott

    Better than most of the BPB wooden coasters; not especially intense but was a lot of fun. Arguably could have been mothballed rather than destroyed while Amanda Thompson stabilised the finances of the family business. Rode this a lot in the early 2000's and probably the best ride in Southport at the time.

  • Dave Scott

    Airtimes Arnés Launch

    The LSM launch of Red Force doesn't deliver. Sure, it goes fast, but rate of change of speed is very poor. Your average hatchback can accelerate as fast as Red Force, consequently the ride is therefore about the huge hill instead. Gives a good blast of air and view from the top. Also, goggles on the front row, seriously? Don't be bloody daft. They aren't necessary on significantly longer and quicker rides. The trains are somewhat lurch and if you sit back flat to the seat you will bounce off-and-off it randomly and uncomfortably - sit forward to avoid this effect. Final "bonus" hill into the brakes is neat in principle but feels like you've just stacked your car into a wall. All things considered we're lucky to have a ride like this at all in Europe, but I can't rate it highly.