• Nelson C.

    Situación Comodidad Fun Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    I am glad there is a rollercoaster in Bulgaria and it's run well. The location is great in the beautiful nature. It is fun and I love it so much in the amazing Bulgarian mountain. I can't really judge this much. It's a very small rollercoaster it's not made to be compared to the rollercoaster giants in the actual theme parks. I would just say that there is one big con. There are brakes but if there is a person in front of you you have to pull them and there usually is someone. But once you pull the brakes there is no way of gaining speed again so if there is someone in front of you and you brake, the rest of the ride will be quite slow and you would really wish for it to be quicker and more exciting. But anyway the nature is beautiful and the layout is long and perfect. You should definitely try it but don't expect a rollercoaster in the actual sense. It's more of a family ride which is cool and unique around the nature. I am still very very happy and grateful to have it around.

  • Nelson C.

    Primera caída Intensidad Layout Torta Arnés ¡Romper en pedazos!

    This ride traumatized me to the point that I almost decided to never ride a rollercoaster again. I had no idea what a Vekoma SLC is and I had no idea how much in fear I would be. It is a super intense ride indeed. It is absolutely scary. The drop is huge and looks so much scarier than the drop of Oblivion. Hanging below the rails is frightening, you feel super helpless and the lift hill is super slow and long. I honestly don't know if it is the fear factor that I never rode it again but the restraints were absolutely uncomfortable too. I hated that so much. During the first half of the ride it was so scary and intense I thought that my head would fall off it was being pulled forwards with such powerful force. And then the second half was complete desorientation and constant headbanging from side to side. It was absolutely traumatizing I never wanted to ride a rollercoaster again (luckily, I did). Years after that I realized that this is one of the roughest models of the roughest model of rollercoasters. I had no idea about that, I just found it way too intense. I hated the harness sooo much. I was in so much pain because of it. And the deaths on the rollercoaster too - there are people who have literally died of heart attack in it and it feels super scary and discouraging to see the Blue Tornado area with the constant warnings on posters and in audio to not ride if you have heart problems. It is absolutely terrifying. This coaster traumatized me so much that I don't think I will ever go on an inverted coaster again. I've heard that B&M inverts are so good but I have no idea and when I think of an inverted coaster I only relate it to the Blue Tornado experience and feel that it would be traumatizing too or at least with no pleasure and extremely unpleasant. I just don't think I could like an inverted coaster, it feels horrible and scary to be below the track. Now I realize that I've ridden one of the most painful Vekoma SLC's and I read a lot about them. And I admit that I actually feel a little bit curious to try another one but one of the tamer ones. The layout is really good too and there is one thing that you can't deny and it's probably the reason why the parks don't tear those rides down - it's because it's absolutely beautiful on photos and videos. When you enter the park and watch the opening ceremony you can see the Blue Tornado in the distance through the trees. And it's so beautiful they put it everywhere. The area is beautiful, the theming is beautiful and the idea for the fast food restaurant is great as well as the marketing that you could feel as if you are on such a plane. I like to look at it. Vekoma SLC's are beautiful and it's sometimes my guilty pleasure to read about them to the point that one day I might want to ride one of the better ones and actually enjoy the layout but for now I am not so sure because my experience with the Blue Tornado was absolutely traumatizing, desorienting and painful. Even without the pain such a rollercoaster is really really scary. So I understand why people go there. Of course they won't tear down one of the most picturesque areas of the park. The way it moves and the blue water around it. They didn't go wrong with the theming. My future plans: Maybe ride it again one day, try Oziris at Parc Astérix and I am extremely curious about Diabolik at Movie Land even though I think this is a ride so terrifying that I couldn't even imagine surviving. I have no idea how I would survive Diabolik and I can't even believe that there are people out there who have had the chance of trying it and having a real memory of this extremely weird and unique rollercoaster. Sequoia Adventure and Diabolik... We have such rare models around the Lake Garda.

  • Nelson C.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Capacidad Arnés

    I never managed to try the ride during my first two visits in Gardaland. I tried it last year. Don't trust the bad rating, the ride is actually fun and it doesn't really hurt a lot. It is moderately intense because of the spinning, it is an interesting one. Of course it is nothing special after all. The capacity is bad indeed. You might wait for it much more time than for Oblivion for example. It's still fun to try. There is just one problematic element by the end of the ride you get a slight hit by the restraint in the stomach or something. You feel it but not very strong. It's there but it's not painful at all. At least for me. But nothing too special about the ride. Try it just for the ride or the experiment.

  • Nelson C.

    Situación Fun Intensidad

    I really like Mammut. I ride it each time I visit Gardaland. The location next to Oblivion is really good. It is also a fun ride. There is a little bit of rattle but it's there to make it feel more intense. It is a thrilling ride indeed and it's actually a long one, there are three parts and I like that at all. The drops are exciting and I love the good feeling I have of this ride. I lift my arms up and I can feel as if I am flying. It is super relaxing and fun. I love that. Especially by the end as it intensifies and you go around the circle down and down and you feel the centrifugal force. Mammut is an excellent ride. I would give it more than 80% on this website for sure. In my opinion - don't miss it! And it's still thrilling, on the same level as Shaman. It's rattly in a good way and you definitely feel the drops and the ride is really good and intense. I love Mammut. I also like the soundtrack - Red Snow. Yes, Mammut is cool and exciting. Definitely go. And it's a long ride with a lot of elements.

  • Nelson C.

    Tematización Comodidad Tiempo muerto

    The ride is good. Especially during a sunny day in Gardaland it feels great to have a little splash. The theming is very good. I actually love the name of the ride - both the Italian and the English one are something memorable and somewhat exciting and a little spooky. Now about the ride I loved how when you climb on the first lift hill you see the second taller drop on the other side. It looks intimidating so that gives you a thrill. For me water rides and drop towers are usually more terrifying than rollercoasters. Water rides because of the splash of water on top of you. I loved the scenery and the soundtrack but it really has some dead spots. For a lot of time nothing is happening just how the other commentor said. You have one drop then a slow long peaceful ride and then the second drop is coming. The station is good, the name of the ride is really good for the park. And it's beautiful of course. Actually I wouldn't even say that the middle part is boring. You are just on a boat and moving slowly around the decors. I have no problem with that. Dead spots but it's not a bad ride at all. But for me even if it sounds strange the name of the ride is the biggest aspect of it. "Fuga de Atlantide" - if you are not an Italian speaker. The name "Fuga"... I don't know I can't even explain it. There is something about it that gives the special iconic feeling of Gardaland but also something dark distanced and scary. Back then after my first visit in 2018 I remember how I was thinking about the rides and reading about ones from the past or ones that are still there but I couldn't ride. And "Fuga de Atlantide" was a name that stood out to me and gave me this feeling of something extremely specific for Gardaland in the exact same style and at the same time something iconic and eerie. Now it could just be me but the name has a super powerful vibe and energy for me. And when I looked at Gardaland on a maps app and I looked at it and I read "Escape from Atlantis"... I don't know there is something about the name that is super powerful and gives me the old Gardaland vibe.

  • Max S.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa!

    This coaster grew on me during my day two visit compared to day one (bumped up half a star). I was blown away by the theming on both days. Their use of animatronics, color, smoke, video screen, etc. are top notch and I feel like this coaster was ahead of its time back in 2004. I came off my day one ride a bit disappointed because it was missing intensity, airtime, elements, etc. but having ridden it the next day I realized the forces were still solid for a more tame indoor coaster. It also contains multiple surprises and misdirections which makes it that much more immersive. 3.5/5 stars

  • Nemesis Reborn4152

    Airtimes Fun Incomodidad

    The first time I rode Cobra, it was amazing, and I still think it is. The helixes are really fun and so are the bunny hills towards the end of the ride. The negatives, on the other hand, are it's tight turns which are uncomfortable and it is a tiny bit rough. I really like it though.

  • Nemesis Reborn4152

    Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra Arnés

    I love this thing, it's amazing. It's such a rush as you descend into the hole after the first drop. The harness sometimes is either too tight or too loose, but most of the time it's perfect!

  • Nemesis Reborn4152

    Primera caída Lap Bar Comodidad Demasiado corto

    A really fun family ride. The first drop is cool an is better than the final helix in my opinion

  • Valdelorean Puissance Parcs

    Tematización Situación Launch Torta ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    On sait tous que cette version est naze, inconfortable et qu'on sature de Star Wars, surtout quand c'est intégré aux chausse pied dans un bijou steampunk de l'âge d'or de DLP. Un retrack ferait du bien, ou un changement complet du coaster par un nouveau !