• Caleb H.

    Inversions Nice surprise! Intensity Discomfort

    My first looping coaster. Its a good Arrow in my opinion. I'm tall enough to clear the restraint so no headbanging, transitions are awkward though. Main discomfort was not enough leg room, except for front row.

  • Caleb H.

    Inversions Pace Fun

    Ride is awesome. Inversions and pace are great, no rattle in my opinion.

  • Timothy Johnson

    Theming Location Too short

    Fun waterpark coaster, layout is fun and the theming and rock work and view of the waterpark is where it shines

  • Timothy Johnson

    Fun Layout Capacity

    Line is really long for this, like hours. But the ride makes up for it (kind of) it’s a very fun dark coaster that has a lot of cool layout elements but another con I have that isint big enough to consider a real con is the seatbelt is really really tight but eh saftey

  • Timothy Johnson

    Airtimes Fun Layout Too short

    What a fun ride tbh! Theming is good and that first drop is unexpected,hidden well and is a pretty good first drop. Rest of the ride is really fun until you realizing it’s ending and you’ve only been riding for about 50 seconds

  • Timothy Johnson

    Theming Smoothness Too short Layout

    It’s alright, it’s just like formula Rossa junior but with shorter line and better theming so yeah

  • Timothy Johnson

    Airtimes Layout Duration

    Amazing version of manta, from the smoothness to the theming, to the LAYOUT, it’s so fun and the inversions and timed perfectly and set so perfectly and the launches are amazing

  • Timothy Johnson

    Smoothness Capacity Pointless Layout

    Boring is all I have to say, so pointless it’s nothing like the formula Rossa they should rebrand this check my review for the gt challenge and see my idea It’s so pointless and I even found out that this and eel racer are the exact same coaster, but eel racer just does it better with the theming and the ops and the line and the height so this just sucks

  • Timothy Johnson

    Launch Fun Headbanging Discomfort

    Cool fun ride, pretty fast ngl and it’s fun racing and just the ride itself is fun, lots of launches and those unbanked turns are head banging. Also on my most recent visit the other car (the left side) was closed and people have been saying it’s been for a long time (like the whole season) so if it’s not a racing coaster is it just some fast coaster? My idea is to rebrand this to be formula Rossa junior and make it red and stuff becuase the actual formula rossa junior serves no purpose and is nothing like the formula Ross an unlike this which is fast. I think they should rebrand formula Rossa junior to flying aces junior and make the plane car and the track white, that would be more fitting and cool

  • Timothy Johnson

    Airtimes Location Launch Too short

    Pretty good ride. Launch is very good and then you get a bit of airtime then spike straight up the iconic Ferrari world roof which is just awesome. Short ride but try this at night with the LED lights everywhere it’s amazing