• Gabriel Thorn

    Tematización Intensidad Layout Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    I used to love this ride, it was my favourite in the park. However, it just got worse and worse over the years and it became an unbearable, rattly, headbanging crap which always causes a strong headache, every single time I ride it. It has some amazing elements, some great surprises, I just can't enjoy it anymore due to the discomfort.

  • Gabriel Thorn

    Launch Intensidad Confiabilidad

    Amazing launch, great fun. Very unreliable though, visited Thorpe Park many times, and it was rarely open.

  • MyJump Up

    Airtimes Intensidad Hangtime Capacidad

    This is the sleeper ride of 2021, it's my new number one beating out Kondaa. This thing starts of with an insane hangtime moment and is followed by a powerfull launch, yes that's right a forcefull launch on a MACK. This coaster delivers insane positives, ejector airtime, hangtime and even a very fast paced inversion in the double inverting dive loop when you are sitting in the front. Best seat is in the back, but make sure to do the front aswell since the experience is so different!

  • MyJump Up

    Velocidad Duración Incomodidad Airtimes

    I've ridden Tonnerre de Zeus before and the new retrack and new elements didn't make it much better, it's a bit better but overall the new elements are pretty weak. First drop is still good in the back, the 90° banked turn doesn't do much which imo is sad, all the hills on the ride gave floater at best expect the ones after the tunnel, and talking about that tunnel, wow my eardrums almost exploded of the loudness. The 2 off axis hills after it do pull some nice flowjector airtime, sadly the ride is still extremely rough, which is a shame, they spent 7 million on this... for maybe 2 million more we could saw an worldclass RMC.

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversiones Launch Intensidad

    Incredible Hulk is the best B&M looper I've ever experienced, and frankly it's not even close. The launch is such a unique and fun way to start off a ride of this type, and it leads to perhaps the whippiest inversion of all time with that zero-g roll, which is especially pronounced on the right side of the train. The rest of the layout is a barrage of super forceful yet smooth and comfortable inversions that leave me laughing every time. It even sneaks in a little pop of floater in the transition from the first corkscrew to the second loop. And the soundtrack. Oh my god the soundtrack. I am a firm believer that every coaster on the planet can be improved with onboard audio, and this one is the perfect example of that philosophy. My first ride on my latest trip was on a train where the audio was down, and while it was still a fantastic coaster, each and every subsequent ride felt magical in comparison. I was genuinely jamming along to the vivacious score through each and every loop and turn, turning this ride from great to truly, fantastically special. Of every coaster I've ridden, this is the one that has improved the most for me on a re-ride. My first experience was early in my enthusiasm about coasters, and I wasn't quite ready for the intensity this ride delivers. Now that I'm accustomed to those forces and feelings, I can confidently say that this is a one-of-a-kind, phenomenal ride. 10/10 - the score is the best Fall Out Boy song and I will die on that hill

  • MapleFlakes

    Velocidad Obra maestra Ejectors

    After maintenance delays cancelling our initial plans to ride this for hours into the night we were lucky to just barely squeeze in three rides before our drive home the next day. And let me tell you those three rides might have been the best rides I've ever had on a roller coaster. This ride runs incomprehensibly fast. On the day I went it was 90 degrees out and hauling so quickly that the ops were only loading 40% of the train at a time. Every element on its own is incredible, but when they are taken back-to-back with zero time to rest it becomes an out-of-body, and for that matter, out-of-seat experience. The stall is the best I've experienced, and the arcade roll is one of my favorite inversions ever due to its insane whip. The finale, though perhaps a bit excessive with the airtime, is still wildly fun as long as you brace by pushing your shins into the guards. I was incredibly lucky to get down to Atlanta again only a few months after those first rides, and it remained an absolutely phenomenal experience. 10/10 - "Do you want airtime?" -an actual quote from a real ride operator before not adjusting the lap bar at all

  • MapleFlakes

    Primera caída Velocidad Ejectors

    I went into this ride with tempered expectations, given that many call it one of the weaker RMC hybrids. While yes, it is the weakest of the ones I've done, it is still a phenomenal ride that I was lucky to have ridden 5 times back-to-back. As with any RMC the ejectors are insane, but the inversions on this one surprised me with how much I enjoyed them. It's not quite as good as the first drop on Twisted Timbers, but the barrel roll drop was one of my favorite moments, and the wave turn immediately following is of course awesome. Additionally, the first drop is one of the best of any RMC I've ridden. It feels like a scaled down version of Iron Gwazi's with its wild feeling of being yanked and several headchoppers near the pull out. While it is on the short side, it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. It keeps great pacing and speed throughout, so I was satisfied with the ride. Maybe that was because it was a walk-on all day, though, so I knew I could get right back in line. 9.5/10 - R.I.P. the hat of the guy in front of us

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Primera caída Situación

    Mako is an elite B&M hyper coaster that perfects what all of the others are going for at every step of the ride. Every hill, especially the massive 5-second one, deliver stellar floater airtime which can border on ejector. The first drop has a surprising amount of yank compared to other hypers, which is surprising given this one's shorter trains. That location over the lake is beautiful, and the winding finale, though not the most forceful, is truly a great spectacle that most other hypers lack. All of these expert decisions on B&M and SeaWorld's part combine to create what I believe to be the best B&M hyper in the country. 9/10 - the queue is really pretty, but why is it such a long walk for a ride that barely gets a wait? My legs hurt

  • MapleFlakes

    Tematización Inversiones Intensidad

    I'm happy to say that Montu lived up to the hype as the best invert in the states. The beautiful combination of positive forces and subtle yet gorgeous theming make this ride special. I don't think it's miles better than a ride like Afterburn, but I do believe it makes a lot of smaller changes that result in an overall better experience. Despite the first half of the layout being rather similar to Afterburn, it feels like it rips through it a lot faster, and the second half also really shines with the Egyptian trenches and extra inversion. I didn't experience any discomfort or headbanging--not even a rattle--which made this insanely forceful experience still comfortable. 9/10 - keep an eye out for people on the coaster tour standing under the block brake, they let them get surprisingly close to the ride

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Launch Fun Incomodidad

    I am generally a fan of stand-ups, so it's no surprise I enjoyed Pipeline a lot. It's incredible that it took this long for someone to realize that standing airtime is way more fun than standing positives. I really leaned into the airtime and held my feet up during it, which created a super unique feeling. The issue comes with the recovery afterwards. Thankfully, it didn't hurt me that much, but I can absolutely see how having your crotch slammed back into the bike seat would hurt like hell. Additionally, it seems to have already developed a pretty bad rattle, though like most B&Ms it doesn't really detract from the experience; it's just a bit annoying. That said, this is still an awesome and unique coaster that is absolutely worth a ride. 8.5/10 - instead of clapping when the train returns, some of the ops throw up a "hang loose" hand gesture to keep with the theming and I think that's really neat