• Zach N.

    Fun Layout

    Pony Express is usually criticized for being a short, forceless launch coaster. I always thought the contrary but my latest rides on this coaster have boosted my opinion of this ride further. First off, it's very fun with family, everyone can ride it. The first launch is pretty good and while that first turn after it is kind of slow, it gives a great lateral moment in the front before a pretty nice drop and then you rise above the station and swing by the queue and then go above paths and now the rides cranks it up a notch. You snap quickly snap to the right and then you snap into the left, going into a tunnel, I don't really know how to describe it but it's an interesting feeling. Then you quickly go into the brakes. If you have time at Knott's, you should definitely ride it.

  • Zach N.

    Fun Intensidad Layout Incomodidad

    This ride is awesome! If you ride facing backwards the lift is already exciting as you're fighting to stay upright. You go through a great twister layout, with great laterals, positives, and snaps. That helix is also insane, seeing as how it is a gray out moment on a family coaster! The spinning adds to awesome layout. The only issue I have is the roughness, there are definitely parts of the ride where it is shaky, but it's not detracting from the ride experience. If you have time at Knott's do this ride, it is so worth your time!

  • Panthrpants

    Comodidad Velocidad Intensidad Tematización Capacidad

    This is a flyer built on top of a mountain, such that you get a real strong sensation of HEIGHT throughout the ride. Photos of the coaster don't show this very well. Frankly, Tatsu feels a lot more like "Superman" than the Superman ride. The height sensation just amplifies the already very good course. I just wish it didn't always have such long waits.

  • Zach N.

    Primera caída Incomodidad Intensidad Confiabilidad

    The ride has a decent first drop, the rest of the ride is uncomfortable because of the lap-bar, it's forceless, and it has awful reliability, it broke down very often during my visit at Knott's. Overall pretty sucky ride.

  • Panthrpants

    Primera caída Velocidad Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    The first drop is ridonkulously high and the sustained Gs in the final flat helix make me light-headed - the only coaster that's been able to do that to me (its a positive!). Too bad the hard brake in the middle of the course really interrupts the experience. Still, I'd rank Goliath as the 3rd or 4th best coaster at the (20-coaster) park.

  • Panthrpants

    Primera caída Intensidad Incomodidad

    I got a headache every time I've ridden it, but the 4D design of the train and the intense layout make it a pretty special thrill.

  • TwanTastic

    Inversiones Launch Suavidad Layout

    I always loved to ride this coaster and I still do! I just don't understand why so many people don't like it. It's butter smooth, great inversions (especially the last roll), has a great launch, really comfortable and a nice onboard soundtrack (if it works...). Few days ago I've got my first night rides on it including vibrating seats, onboard audio and working heart rate monitor. The only thing that disappoints me is the recently revamped indoor queue which is ugly IMO. Operations are great as always in Europa Park!

  • Harrison P.

    Incomodidad Intensidad Lap Bar


  • Harrison P.

    Arnés Intensidad Ejectors Incomodidad

    this was a very fun rollercoaster, and loved every bit of it. the pretsil roll loop was very thrilling, and the harness was very comfortable, a really good ride.

  • Harrison P.

    Inversiones Velocidad Layout

    a great wing rider, loved the inversions, and the layout was great. You just weave through the elements. would ride again.