• Hamish Booton

    Comodidad Fun Hangtime Demasiado corto

    swarm is a very fun ride but just too short but is one of the smoothest rides ive ever been on.

  • Emeric CHEVARIER

    Tematización Sin interés

    grave bien pour les petits .

  • Hamish Booton

    Capacidad Inversiones Velocidad Torta Arnés Incomodidad

    colossus is a decent ride for its age but its very rough and last heartlines can be painful.

  • Hamish Booton

    Airtimes Comodidad Suavidad Capacidad

    amazing ride, best at portaventura by miles. very smooth, very good first drop, amazing airtime and long layout. one of the best in europe in my opinion

  • Hamish Booton

    Airtimes Primera caída Fun Torta Capacidad Incomodidad

    amazing ride, very good experience but can be rough in places. the indoor bit is the best part. can be a bit short but in my opinion it is second best ride at thorpe park. :)

  • Hamish Booton

    Layout Launch

    very short hurt my neck

  • Henry Schmidt

    Tematización Obra maestra Hangtime Vibración

    An amazing trip in 9 steps (Spoiler warning) 1. You are going through an amazing Queue line which tells a story and builds tension 2. A random system decides your row which is really cool 3. You're going up a vertical hill to build even more tension 4. You drop, which is an insane surprise the first time you're riding this beast 5. You go back up again and ride out of the tower, which is an amazing first drop 6. You drive through a heart-shaped element which is incredibly fun and unique 7. You absolutely blast through the rest of the Layout which contains lots of airtime and tight turns ( the rattle is notable though) 8. You ride through the last element, which is a slow zero-g-roll which has amazing hangtime 9. You think to yourself what an amazing ride this was.

  • Henry Schmidt
  • Henry Schmidt

    Airtimes Tematización Launch Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    There is a lot to critizise about this ride: It is not really dynamic, the bookknot is a big dead spot and the restraints are a bit uncomfortable, but I still can not but love Flucht von Novgorod. It might not be dynamic but every element (besides the Bookknot) is insanely good, such as the beyond-vertical drop, the great launch or the airtime hill. It's also so unique (Labyrinth in the end, dark ride passage, storyline) that I just can't be mad about the weaknesses.

  • Max S.

    Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    My second of the three Superman - Ultimate Flight clones and I think I prefer this one a little more than Six Flags Great America's version. Again, the first two elements are the best parts of the ride. The drop is steeper than Tatsu's so that's a plus and the pretzel loop is always intense but a lot of fun to experience. The ride becomes predictable at this point with a normal flying experience and a twist near the end. I feel like it's missing one more powerful element to push this one as a great ride from start to finish. It's just as smooth as its clone I've ridden and B&M should look into making more of these with custom models. Also, the reason I prefer this one over SFGAm. is it utilizes the terrain and landscaping way better while SFGAm. is a parking lot coaster. 3.5/5 stars