• Nelertile

    First Drop Lap Bar Location


  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Fun Rattle Capacity Discomfort

    Wildcat has been heavily improved, but it still isn’t fully fixed from the Gravity Group retrack. Before getting on, the capacity feels atrocious. 14 people on one train ops. You can see another train, but it isn’t running. On a quiet Sunday, it was a 45 minute wait while the second longest wait I experienced was 15 minutes. The restraints aren’t terrible, but I vastly prefer PTC restraints for their increased room for airtime. First drop is rough but tolerable. First turnaround isn’t noteworthy, and neither are the following turnarounds. The retracted airtime hills provide some decent floater. At this point, the ride is a solid 3.5-4 stars thanks to the pretty smooth experience. The final third of the ride is entirely different. The final turnaround provokes a constant trend of jackhammering. On the final hills, it can get so bad to the point that it’s laughable. My 2 rides were in the last 2 rows and those were probably the roughest rows, but it’s still questionable that the whole ride was like this. With that being said, my first rides on wildcat were mostly good, but they still need to retrack the finale at some point.

  • Vt2

    Airtimes Fun Layout Rattle

    This was the coaster that made me an enthusiast. Behemoth is a fun B&M hyper filled with floater airtime. Normally, this coaster has an intense rattle in the valleys that impacts the rerideability for me, however, on Passholder's Day of 2024, Behemoth's rattle was BARELY noticeable - plus the ride was running without the trim brakes, which made the airtime more sustained and powerful. I recommend riding in the very back row because you receive a pop of ejector airtime when you drop off the upwards helix at the end!

  • Ian Lundholm

    Lap Bar Fun Ejectors

    the best roller coaster in the world! ten out of ten, and i wish soo badly i could select more pros. there is nothing that they could change to make it better, and it is litterly perfect!

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Pace Intensity

    An awesome woodie. I don't understand why it's ranked only #192 on here. It blows through the layout, never slowing down. It has me constantly shouting "Whoa!!" It's filled with great airtimes, snappy transitions and nice laterals. The front and back provide smooth rides and are where the airtimes really pop. The middle seats rattle a bit too much, but the front and back put Prowler in my top 20. That curving drop is one of my favorite first drops. I got in 15 rides in two hours. I could ride this thing forever. LOVE Prowler!

  • Coaster Nerds

    Theming Inversions Location Headbanging

    Minor headbanging at certain parts of the ride such as the the turn over land of dragons and at the bottom of the second loop. However, BGW did a great job with the theming and the ride is running great. Those interlocking loops are so fun.

  • Bryn R.

    Airtimes Harness Layout Rattle Too short Disappointing!

    The layout is great, and the millennium flyer trains w/out seatbelts is amazing, but MAN this coaster probably has the strongest rattle in the park. Upscale this by a bit and flesh out the transitions and it'd be much better.

  • Gaku N.

    Airtimes Headbanging Discomfort Dead spots

    良いところ ファースドロップ・・・巻き上げ速度が速いので最後尾なら最高の浮き。 最初のキャメルバック・・・めちゃくちゃ浮く。 2日連続で最後尾の左端の座席に乗車したけど、2日目は特に揺れがひどかった。ファーストドロップ以降全てのエレメントで頭に響く小刻みな揺れがあってかなり気が散った。

  • Robin B.

    Capacity Duration Pointless

    Loved Temple of the Nighthawk and was pretty hyped about it being "rethemed" to a VR coaster, but it was pretty disappointing or did not live up to my hype about it... Like it is not the same as just a dark ride, but I think you can decide to not use the VR..

  • Robin B.

    I still like the sounds of those brakes