• Pavlína S.

    Velocidad Intensidad Incomodidad

    This wild mouse is very fast and has strong laterals. It is not the most comfortable but it goes pretty wild. Brace for the brakes at the end.

  • fifa101

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors

    This ride is legendary for a good reason. The air time is great, and the first drop was incredible The first half camel backs, give good ejector earlier in the day but on my last couple rides, I was flying out my seat, on those Hills the rest of the ride was still fast, however it felt like it dropped the ball in till the final result of their time Hills still a great coaster But give me Shambala or kondaa any day of the week the ride I would most compare it to would be Colossus because of those first two camelback's being so strong, and then mediocre second third with some good hills ride off 8.5/10 even though I really liked the coaster it baffles me when people say this is better than Shambala ,kondaa or karnan .

  • Pavlína S.

    Primera caída Intensidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    A hidden gem at Prater. Megablitz pulls some crazy and sustained forces throughout the whole layout basically consisting only of helices and the first drop is also very decent. This is a must ride for people who love intensity and positive G’s. Don’t get mislead by it’s size. The only negative is the very short length but you will definitely have enough after riding. I love it.

  • Pekka-pasi Kaljamaha

    Inversiones Launch Fun

    Its the best rollercoaster in Finland

  • Raymond C.

    Launch Fun Intensidad Demasiado corto

    A great coaster with a superb launch and a subsequent ride filled with intensity and speed. I hadn't remembered how surprisingly good it is despite its relatively short track. The hydraulic cable launch is so much fun and very rare to find these days. If you like intensity in a roller coaster you should definetely give this one a try since literally every part of the track until the brake is intense. Theming wise it isn't the best but that doesn't matter to me with this coaster. I believe this ride to be criminally underrated and the second best ride at Heide Park after Colossos.

  • Pavlína S.

    Comodidad Fun Duración Tiempo muerto

    This coaster is a lot of fun. For a family coaster, it has some decent drops and surprisingly long layout. Also it is extremely smooth. Definitely worth the ride when you are at Prater.

  • Michael Harris

    Airtimes Launch Obra maestra Incomodidad

    The perfect ride. Rode it 6+ times over 2 days at Universal. My favorite - I also have ridden Steve and Iron Gwazi.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Launch Intensidad

    Update Feb. 2023: So I rode Avengers Assemble: Flight Force again yesterday. I came in talking trash about this coaster expecting the worst as my last rides were pretty lackluster... and I actually enjoyed it the two times I went on it. The trasitions were pretty good with no huge headbanging issues and while the ride still had a slight rattle it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. The launch is pretty great, the sea serpent element was intense and some of the turns actually offered some positive Gs as well. I still don't like the new theming as much as the old one but I'm getting used to it, so I'm not quite as mad as I was before. I don't know what happened in November, I must just have caught it on a bad day, overall I'm way more impressed by it this time, and I had some genuine good time on it. I'm giving it the 4 stars that I would have given it back when it was themed to Aerosmith. Update July 2023: I rode this three times today in rows 6, 7 and 5. There were some good things and some bad things. First with the good things: the ride had short wait times even during busy hours. It seems as though Disney listened to the feedback and added some stars and more screens during the layout which is much appreciated. The ride still has a good airtime pop near the end. Now on to the bad things: The pre-show, while it looks great, breaks the line. There were tons of people accumulating in the short line after it which made it impossible for the ops to close the door. Not a deal breaker but pretty immersion breaking for first time riders. The line after that pre-show also seemed to move at a snail's pace. Before my third ride, I had to wait for a show to end outdoors. I don't know about you but I think doing that show right in front of a ride's entrance seems like a massive design flaw. This show was also recurrent and took place every 30 minutes it seems. On that same third ride (unlucky ride I guess), the left speaker crackled and it seems to be a train-wide issue. The layout itself has some intense moments and the rattle is tolerable but it has some dead spots (at least they're not in complete darkness now). I am not changing my rating as there were some improvements from last time but also some problems. Update November 2023: Honestly, this ride is pretty smooth and forceful. It does bang your head around a little but if you clear the harness, you're gonna be fine. I marathoned this during my visit, clocking in 7 rides, which was actually my first time at only one of the two parks in years, I usually visit both but I don't regret spending my whole afternoon at Walt Disney Studios. Waits were non-existant too and they didn't even bother with the pre-show. Overall, it was the perfect setting to marathon it. Update February 2024: Well, guess what, not only did I prefer it to Crush's Coaster, but it was better than ever and I even beat my record, I rode it 8 times, making it the coaster I probably rode the most in my entire life. It was pretty smooth too, the bootom of the Sea Serpent inversion didn't rattle this time, though I noticed that train 1 was the only train that gave a slightly rough ride, all of the other trains tracked smoothly but train 4 or 5 had grumpy speakers and I believe train 3 had restraint issues where they had to be manually unlocked. It's pretty intense all throughout which is why I prefer it to Crush's Coaster and the restraints are actually pretty freeing, the inversions actually give a slight feeling of weightlessness, lifting you out of your seat for a split second (especially the first inversion on the Sea Serpent roll). The more I ride Avengers, the more I like it, which cannot be said for Crush's Coaster. Update November 2022 [OUTDATED]: This to me was the worst coaster at the whole resort, it is rough, like the rattle felt way more pronounced than last last time and the headbanging... GOOD GOD, it was WORSE than on GOUDURIX, that's how bad it was. Heck, I even heard people say it was rough in Spiderman's queue. The theme is terrible, I can not wrap my head around how stupid it is, the Aerosmith theme fit this ride a lot better plus when you see what an amazing job Disney did with Guardians of the Galaxy, it is even more of a letdown. The ride felt faster than last time and the brakeruns didn't slow the train down so there aren't much dead spots but the launch felt forceless while even 3 months ago it was great. I mean Space Mountain's launch was better than this one and it's supposed to be the weaker one... I can not give this ride more than a 3/5 in its current state, it's just sad and I'm now of the opinion that this should get new trains as soon as possible. Just ride the other coasters of the resort like Crush's Coaster, Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain and Indiana Jones, all of those are more enjoyable than whatever this is... Orginal review [OUTDATED]: This coaster, when it was known as Rock’n’roller coaster starring Aerosmith would have gotten 4 stars. In terms of layout, it’s good, while I know it is a controversial opinion, I personally like spaghetti bowl coasters. I love the launch, and I find the sea serpent quite intense. The ride does have some dead spots with the brake runs but the corkscrew always catches me off guard and the final hill gives some airtime. The first time I rode it in 2017 it was smooth-ish and it felt the same after my re-rides in August 2019. I rode it again this year after its conversion as Avengers Assemble Flight Force and I have to say while the building looks nice from the outside, the queue was okay, the animatronic was good but it all goes down hill from there. The countdown screens are just TVs and the ride is mostly in complete darkness with just a few projections of Iron Man and Captain Marvel through the ride + the ride now has a nasty rattle. Thankfully it is still mostly free of headbanging but it is also how I noticed the rattle. Overall the 3 year retheme is lazy and looks cheap when you compare it to the extremely detailed Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, add to that the nasty rattle and this is what brings it down to 3 stars for me… They at least could have gotten the new vest Vekoma trains.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Intensidad Suavidad

    Oziris is probably the best B&M invert ever made and it is the best coaster in its park and dare I say in France. It has some great hangtime packed zero-g rolls and good inversions at the beginning and it even has some airtime. The first drop is great, especially in the back of course. It is extremely smooth and intense and has zero headbanging, a perfect invert in my books. Update April 2022: This ride is still as great as ever and I think I got a ride with the nylon wheels this time as it ran much faster than usual. It also had a slight rattle, which didn’t bother me at all because it wasn’t uncomfortable, it just was kinda there. All of these signs point to it using the nylon wheels on my latest rides. Even though Toutatis is there, you sure as heck don’t want to miss out on OzIris. That said, I have to deduct .5 stars to this coaster’s rating due to how great Toutatis is. Update May 2023: This ride is near Toutatis in terms of how great it is. Fight me. I got three rides today: One in row 7, then in row 5 and finally in row 3. It's one of the only B&M inverts that has airtime after the first drop. The transitions are whippy yet immaculate. The first inversions are intense in the front and the Zero G Rolls are both great. They are floaty yet also have great whip. All drops deliver great airtime and even the transition into the brake run delivers good airtime. The ride is also extremely smooth. The only "shaky" part is the pullout of the first drop. Even though Toutatis has good theming, I still think that OzIris is the best themed coaster at Parc Astérix. Don't miss out on OzIris when you visit Parc Astérix. Update June 2023: While OzIris is an amazing ride, after riding it and Toutatis back to back, I can't in good conscience give it 5 stars. While it delivered my best rides on it yet, and the positive Gs were way more pronounced than usual, Toutatis is still a level above it. Update March 2024: I rode OzIris in the front row twice and it was INTENSE. It was a riot of positive Gs and weightlessness. It's still glossy smooth and the new interactions with the pathway towards La Tour de Numérobis feels like such a small change that adds quite a bit to the on-ride experience. Update June 2024: My latest rides on the 14th and 20th of June seemed to be with polyurethane wheels, my ride on the 9th of June was with nylon wheels. Therefore, I'll be judging it based on my latest rides. It ran great on the 9th of June, but those later in the month were a bit sluggish and the restraints seem to have different positions compared to before it is either too far or just stqples you, it's weird. There is a bit of a rattle but only on the pullout of the first few elements, and the elements didn't seem that intense aside from some positive Gs on the first inversions and the awesome final zero-G roll. Everything else felt a little tame, but I felt the same last year in June as well. I also nearly banged my head on the exit of the overbank and the drop into the tunnel with thekeyword being nearly. These are spots where it didn't happen before so maybe it's because the wheels are new. The first drop is amazing as ever, that hasn't changed.

  • nils b.

    Tiempo muerto

    Outre le fait de partager un ride avec mon fils de 3 ans 1/2 (beau moment familial)…cela reste un long temps mort. Reste que le Coaster est bien entretenu et l’opérateur très très sympa.