• Adam Tortorello

    Primera caída Capacidad Fun

    Very fun being that high in the sky with sweeping drops. Pure fun and smooth. Its main weakness is the overly lengthy helix.

  • Jax Lunsford

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Hangtime

    One of the better clones that I’ve ridden, I’ve also never had any problem with the restraints.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Primera caída Demasiado corto Tematización Confiabilidad

    Every time we tried to walk around the pond to this ride (because we saw it running), it would close :p On our last day in San Antonio, we waited an hour outside its entrance to see if it would open. This paid off: it finally opened and we were the first to ride. Worth it, but this version is far inferior to the San Diego and Orlando versions because it's simply a small backwards drop and a final plunge. No theming and too short.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Lap Bar Ejectors Incomodidad

    If you ride in the back specifically, prepare to have your butt in the air on drops, only to be SLAMMED to the seat. Painful, yet wild.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Launch Velocidad Layout Capacidad Arnés Confiabilidad

    One of the best of the Premier launch coasters. Smoother than both Joker's Jinx and Flight of Fear. Ride it in the front at night!

  • Adam Tortorello

    Situación Vibración Inversiones Incomodidad

    This is the absolute highest I could rate the ride. This was overwhelmingly rough, and as a result, dizzying with the neverending inversions. My fiance felt like she wanted to throw up on the whole ride and she normally has a high tolerance. I'm thinking this ride is the product of Six Flags taking poor care of the ride. I say tear it down and put in an Intamin launch coaster.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Situación Layout Ejectors

    Iron Rattler was slightly underwhelming since I had heard it had one of the best first drops of any coaster anywhere, only to discover the first drop was above average but not outstanding. Nonetheless, it is a very fun RMC with a clever layout. I like that it moves slower atop the quarry wall; it's a good mix from the raw speed at the beginning and end of the ride. A front row ride at night is a must.

  • Benjamin Michaut

    Airtimes Fun Layout Vibración Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    Si on utilise ma technique brevetée consistant à mettre les mains sous la lapbar pour ne pas se faire mal au cuisse c'est un BANGER !

  • Magic Coaster

    Tematización Fun Incomodidad

    Un E-powered très sympa que j’affectionne tout particulièrement puisque c’est mon premier coaster. Le bémol reste son confort et ces sièges trempés quand il pleut, voilà à quoi sert une gare bon sang !

  • Magic Coaster

    Primera caída Vibración Capacidad Intensidad

    Ahh beurk ! Je préfère goudurix maintenant.