• SNake N.

    Primera caída Velocidad Fun Demasiado corto Tematización

    This Ride is FUN! #2 coaster in Mirabilandia, because I enjoy it way more than Katun. The elevator is great and the first drop isn't steep (45 degrees) but due to this it feels very long. Although it's 100 km/h and it feels like 100 km/h, i would consider this coaster a family ride because there are no intense forces. You get a bit of airtime tough and really wet. Overall, i'ts a very very funny and enjoyable experience, although it is a very short coaster. Definitely deserving a way higher rating than it currently has on this platform.

  • Robin O.

    Primera caída Demasiado corto Capacidad

    Quite a fun family boomerang but suffers from the usual boomerang issues - too short and poor capacity. First drop is decent but not much to say after that.

  • Robin O.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Velocidad Fun Incomodidad

    This was my favourite of the two, although shorter and a bit less intense than Fear, I thought the surprises were more fun. Both coasters changed my opinion of spinning coasters - often they give me a headache but on this one the spinning felt controlled and not too dizzying.

  • Robin O.

    Fun Intensidad Duración Incomodidad

    Best train coaster I have ridden, packs in a lot of intensity, especially at the back of the train. Lots of surprises and a great dark section. Very long with 3 lift hills. Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Only problem is the seats which are very uncomfortable.

  • Robin O.

    Velocidad Intensidad Demasiado corto Arnés

    Enjoyed this and to me felt comparable to Nemesis Inferno. A good fun ride but nothing special for me.

  • Robin O.

    Tematización Fun Suavidad Intensidad

    Best flying coaster I've ridden! Worlds above Galactica at Alton Towers. I enjoyed the pre-ride section and the transition from sitting upright to flying. Very smooth and a lot of fun. For me would be made better by some bigger drops. Theming is incredible in this area.

  • Robin O.

    Comodidad Launch Fun Tiempo muerto

    First ride was at the back, felt it was a lot of fun and the launches were impressive but overall lacked some intensity. But then I rode it in the front row and it was like a different ride - much more intense and so much speed on the launches. Only con for me was some dead spots and general lack of airtime.

  • Robin O.

    Fun Tiempo muerto Lap Bar

    My first bobsleigh ride and I thought it was a fun one. Followed the advice in the reviews to ride alone, and stay sitting a bit forwards not touching the backrest and this helped the comfort a lot. Due to capacity there are a lot of break runs which does create some dead spots, but overall it was still a fun ride for me.

  • Robin O.

    Primera caída Intensidad Vibración

    Was expecting a lot worse given the reviews, actually enjoyed this a lot! Yes you have to brace the whole time to avoid head banging, but it has great intensity and the first drop is fab. Probably wouldn’t queue for it though

  • John E.

    Tematización Fun

    It is quite a fun coaster and perfect if you have a young child who would like to ride their first one! It is also very well themed - the ride vehicle and the land that it's in look great!