• John E.

    Lap Bar Comodidad Capacidad

    It is a very fun and comfortable ride but it lacks intensity and it would of been better if it was made to be able to run with two trains.

  • GLaDOS

    Comodidad Intensidad Layout Vibración Torta Inversiones

    This has to be one of the most if not the most abhorrent thrill coasters I've been on. It has a good, intense layout but that rattle and those transitions just kill any fun that could have existed. It's so bumpy and the transitions are so abrupt and jerky that it is actually painful. The trains themselves aren't the issue. They comfortable but even good trains can't save Condor. They don't help the rattle of the ride. And those transitions combined with that rattle just feel like a knock-off Chinese SLC. Mind you it basically is a cheap knock-off of B&M's inverted coaster. The pull out of the first drop is okay. It rattles a bit, but it's fine. The following inversion is just horrible though. It tightens at the top, which is pretty normal, but then it has a big change in radius where the track tightens in an extremely jerky and jolty way that sends your body forwards in the most abrupt and uncomfortable way possible. The pullout also rattles a lot and the overbanked turn changes banking too late in its entry, making the near 90 degree turn unnecessary and awkward. The train also rattles all throughout the turn. The sidewinder is bumpy but the pullup is intense and somewhat enjoyable. The moment it starts banking is when it gets awful again. The whole turn is bumpy is hell, and the inline twists are even worse. And the ending doesn't redeem the ride one but. The turn is awkward, and the final dips are also really rough. Condor might actually have five of the worst inversions I've experienced. It's actually hard to believe that THIS was made by the same manufacturer that made Xpress/Rock'n'roller Coaster/Avengers Assemble: Flight Force, Speed of Sound, Hyperspace Mountain (which opened a year later by the way), or even older ones like Goudurix or especially Crazy Bats. I'm giving it 3 stars because I can see the good layout beneath the pain.

  • GLaDOS

    Fun Suavidad

    The better of the two family coasters at Walibi Holland. It's actually does something and is a tab longer than Eat My Dust. It has some lateral Gs and is more comfortable than SOS Tournevis. Amazing what one year can do to a coaster model.

  • GLaDOS

    Fun Intensidad Duración Incomodidad

    9/4/2024: I honestly preferred Force for one reason. It's smooth. Fear has noticable jolts, especially during its pullouts and helices. It's the longer of the two and the most thrilling, with a few zippy drops and.a longer indoor section with an incredibly unique tilt track that catches you off guard. The kink in the final brakerun is also odd but it makes the ride all the more fun... and weird. All in all, it's just an incredibly unique spinning coaster that's slightly hindered by a few potholes. Update 10/4/2024: I rode Fear again at the end of the day and it didn't rattle much. It's just rather uncomfortable. The brakes are just really violent and the trains are uncomfortable. The lap bar rather bulky and contacts your stomach.

  • cap coas

    Tematización Fun Duración

    Tout simplement le meilleurs familly qu'il m'ai été donné de rider, surpassant ainsi bon nombre de gros coasters !

  • GLaDOS

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Suavidad Capacidad

    9/4/2024: This is, unexpectedly, the best side of Winjas. It's shorter, but it's more varied. It has a few snappy transitions at the beginning mixed with a wild mouse section, which is better than a straight up wild mouse section. The drops are zippy and the helix in the middle of the area is disorienting and the switch track that just brings your train forwards after that section is just bizarre. You are inclined, so you think you're gonna drop down, but no, the car just rolls to the right or left, depending what side you're on. The following twister section has some energy to it. And the towards kink on the brakerun is just odd. This might be right behind Euro Mir in terms of how weird it is. My only complaints are the capacity and a few jerky sudden stops. Upadate 10/4/2024: I got the last train of the day and I stand by what I said. It's the smoother, shorter and slightly less thrilling side of Winjas. I got an off-balance ride and the car spun like a top during the wild mouse section.

  • Noah

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Vibración

    Excellent coaster, on sent que le retrack la bien aidé à s'améliorer et se diversifier avec notamment le 90° très intéressant, et le petit passage dans le tunnel animé. De plus les 2/3 du parcours se font à basse hauteur et à haute vitesse ce qui traduit une forte intensité tout au long du ride

  • Braden Shepard

    Airtimes Fun Obra maestra

    just amazing all around

  • Sean R.


    Didn't love Shockwave. It has some good forces and the double inversion combo is solid...but it's a distant #4 at the park. Did get to meet Robb and Elissa from Theme Park Review and they took my daughter on a ride that had the full video treatment - made my daughter's day. A very cool thing to see her experience.

  • Sean R.

    Primera caída ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout

    I've been on many RMC's and had really modest expectations going into this one. I wanted to ride "the original RMC", but had read that there was a big leap between this and Iron Rattler...and without any inversions, I figured I'd be in for a good, not great ride. But New Texas Giant hit pretty hard - I was quite pleasantly surprised. It has some fantastic elements, a great first drop, the glass-smoothness common with an RMC and the layout proved to be long with fantastic pacing throughout. Its a really good looking RMC too...having a special stature and aura about it. Its not the most intense RMC, but it is a great coaster and should probably be heralded more than it gets credit for...