• CoasterKing

    Fun Suavidad Ejectors

    Awesome ride. Amazing ejector, especially on the first three camelbacks. You also have three great inversions, especially the drop. Best mini RMC.

  • CoasterKing

    Lap Bar Intensidad Ejectors Tiempo muerto

    One of the greatest woodies ever constructed. The drop and following camelbacks give some of the most insane ejector ever. The rolling thunder hill absolutely sends you, and the last few turns deliver awesome positives and laterals. My main problem with this ride is that there are a few dead spots. The far turn is still rough and doesn't do much. The following drop and speed hill also don't seem to fit in with the pace of the rest of the ride. Other than that, this ride is flawless.

  • CoasterKing

    Situación Fun Duración

    This ride is the most fun roller coaster as far as I'm concerned. Front row on this thing is absolutely awesome. Greatest sense of speed, very long ride, impeccable setting, and some awesome airtime as well. The station is also awesome with the fun ride ops and world-class station music. Such a great ride, just don't ride during golden hour.

  • CoasterKing

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors

    So insane. Best first drop of all time, it feels like a car crash. The following layout features some of the strongest airtime ever, very strong positives, and some of the most insane laterals ever. These forces are best experienced in the back left wing seat, as with the minimal lateral bracing, it feels like the ride is trying to throw you out of the train. Love this thing.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversiones Velocidad Ejectors

    This ride is one of the most aggressive roller coasters ever. It has some of the most aggressive airtime on any roller coaster. Some highlights are the insane camelback, stall, second wave turn, double down, zero-g rolls, and last airtime hill. The wave turn and final hill bruise my thighs every time. The double down is also one of my favorite elements on any coaster with the way it combines insane ejector with insane laterals. The ride in general is just pure insanity that feels like it runs too fast, which is ironic as many were complaining that the ride's stats were disappointing when announced.

  • CoasterKing

    Situación Velocidad Ejectors Confiabilidad Lap Bar

    When running, this ride is almost flawless. The setting, insane ejector, and pacing all make this one hell of a roller coaster. But my main problem with this ride (when running) is this absolutely nasty pullout right after the first wave turn. It jackhammers you, and as a result, it shoves the lap bar down, stapling you. But aside from that, the ride is perfect when running. It also has my favorite ride of all time, a pitch black night ride in the fireworks. So awesome.

  • CoasterKing

    Launch Intensidad Ejectors

    SOOO good. Some of the strongest airtime ever on this ride. The first drop in the back and the camelback deliver absolutely insane ejector. You also have amazing laterals on elements like the first few snaps, the snap after the launch, and the stengel dives. The pacing is also insane. But my favorite part of this ride is the second launch. My favorite launch of all time. Pure insanity.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Velocidad Intensidad

    Absolute insanity. It takes elements on a family coaster at 90 mph. The layout does not feel like it should go with a giga coaster, but it does. The drop is incredible, the first turn will make you grey out so hard, the camelback gives awesome sustained ejector, and from there, it's just a blur of speed, laterals and ejector. Such an insane ride.

  • Christopher S.

    Inversiones Intensidad Suavidad

    Surprisingly smooth and the inversions are fun. Intense ride as well, and honestly one of the rides I didn't expect to be as good as it was.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Obra maestra Duración

    Greatest wooden roller coaster in the world. The ride does not end, and it does not lose speed outside of the midcourse. The extremely long layout is also built over a hill, so the return run feels like it has way too much speed. The ride also has insane airtime, especially the twister section which mixes extreme ejector pops in with laterals. Such an amazing ride.