The harnesses are so painful on the final hills. Beyond painful!
Vibración ¡Decepción! ¡Romper en pedazos!
If I were to choose a ride to blow up it'd be this one. The coolest part is being able to reach out and give a high five to the cars next to you. That's about it though. Rickety. Old. Not particularly good.
Primera caída Fun Obra maestra Incomodidad
Seats are a smidge too small. Got crushed in there. Otherwise outstanding.
Launch Obra maestra
My favorite ride in the park. Fun as hell.
Primera caída Intensidad
The anticipation of the first drop is better than anything else on the ride. Was underwhelming.
Airtimes Primera caída Fun
Fast AF. My girlfriend blacked out lol
Probably my favorite wooden coaster to date.
Nothing special but my first upside down coaster.
Intensidad Torta
They NEED to warn people to keep their head against the headrest. Explicitly. Mending a concussion. Otherwise great ride.
It is time to tear it down.