Tematización Inversiones ¡Buena sorpresa! Incomodidad
In some respects, Dragon Fyre is the epitome of an aging mid-tier ride, but there's a certain weird aura about it too: the way that it rises into empty space at the edge of the park, vast, skeletal, and rusting under the summer sun is just... a vibe. It groans and creaks and shudders as you race through it, almost as if this old relic resents every moment it has to carry you. In a weird sort of way, it's the most 'woodie' steel coaster I've ridden. While the drop is really nothing to write home about, the amount that it rises above the surrounding terrain makes it feel like more than it is. The double loop and corkscrew hold up quite well and are the coaster's highlight, for sure: you will feel the Gs. The ride quality, while a bit rough, really isn't that bad. Just hold the restraint and you'll be fine. Ultimately, you don't ride the Dragon Fyre for the thrills, but for the short line and the vibe.
Inversiones Fun Hangtime Incomodidad
Short ride, low capacity, a bit rough on the reverse part, but you definitely get some cool disorientation and hangtime. Worth riding.
Lap Bar ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Incomodidad
I feel like this coaster gets ripped on a lot simply because it has a reputation. It's a rattly old woodie, but they redid the tracks in 2014 and the difference is enormous. It's just a fast, fun, intense ride and one that my friends and I always like to ride a few times. Hold the bar around the bends and don't be dumb and you'll have fun.
Airtimes Situación Intensidad Incomodidad
Let's look at this in a list format: 1. Minebuster is a fun and unique classic ride, but it can be challenging. All in all, worth it, though! 2. This is a very rough old woodie. It clanks, it rattles, it jerks, and it throws you around. Be ready. 3. Avoid the wheel seats. Keep the lap bar one notch higher than tight. Hold the grab bar going into the final helix. 4. The first half is loads of fun: fast, intense, and with good airtimes. The latter half could really use a retracking. 5. It's intense all the way through from a sensory standpoint, borderline overwhelming and definitely memorable.
Airtimes Lap Bar
I rode this thing ages ago, as a teenager visiting friends and family in Vancouver. I remember riding it a few times. It was a thrilling old woodie that really whipped you around (crazy laterals and airtimes) without feeling too rough. Not the tallest or the fastest, but just a well-designed classic ride that I'd love to visit again someday.
Primera caída Inversiones Suavidad
Such an efficient and quick-loading ride with that nice single rider lane. This is a really creative drop coaster with fun inversions, and that pause at the precipice... perfection!
Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra
This coaster is so fast and so smooth and the airtime is so nice that it's hard to pick out any serious flaws. It loads nice and quickly as well. Just an excellent, EXCELLENT ride.
Tematización Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!
This is one of those rides that you go on and are relieved when it's over. The presentation and theming are nice, but it's a brutally uncomfortable ride for very limited thrills. You're rolling the dice each time you ride it as to whether you'll come off with a headache or minor injury. Please either rebuild this thing extensively or just tear it out and put something new in there!