Capacidad ¡Buena sorpresa! Suavidad Tematización
Ive just learned that this was once the tallest&fastest roller coaster back in 1978,after a horrible day at SFOT,I ended up riding this thing in the very front( I rode this by myself which I am not a fan of I greatly enjoyed this and I miss this ride very much,this is one of the rides that you need to ride lots of times to appreciate it. This was also my very first looping roller coaster and I thought I was gonna fall out until I realized you didn’t actually need a lap bar to hold you in during the loops because the 5.9 gs press you into your seat. However,This Ride must have one of the least appealing entrances I've ever seen,it really looks like it had been brought off of Ebay 20 years ago, The stuff around the ride(not the actual ride)needs some work ASAP
Inversiones Intensidad Demasiado corto Tematización Capacidad
The joker is one of six flags cheap add on additions,it’s right next to a giant intersection which included construction when I was there last year,the ride experience was great My experience however,was a disaster in a weird way,I rode by myself at the end of the day and used the flash pass to skip the long line(2.1 hours=20 min)I don’t have any interest in riding this when I go back to six flags because there are better things out there than this
Fun Suavidad Capacidad
This ride is the reason top thrill 2 will be at the top of my bucket list,I was blown away by this ride,(I rode it by myself)I really want to get back on this ride this is the type of ride that you ride several times to get a feel for it,I only rode it once almost a year ago so I hardly remember anything about it despite everything I love about this ride,I am not going to wait more than 20 minutes for this
Fun Capacidad
I don't ride this very often, did you know that this ride is basiclly a spinning wild mouse,and its super fun to ride this,I don't really remember the last time I rode this, this ride is also a capacity nightmare due to its location In the park this should be one of your first roller coasters you ride when you come to six flags over texas
Airtimes Layout Duración
this is my first rmc hybrid and I first rode this in the pouring rain(5 years ago)The new texas giant is RMC¨s original,this was designed by alan schilke,this has an AMAZING layout,looking from the front,it kind of looks the same as steel vengeance, ' this is by far the best coaster I have ridden,its so smooth and is lightyears above the other coasters I really have nothing bad to say about this, this coaster changed the coasters industry forever ,we wouldn't have coasters like aireforce one or steel vengeance or zadra, this is the mild version,i can only imagine what the airtime/pacing is like on Steve/zarda/gawzi/Aireforceone This should be a bucket list coaster for every thrill seeker oh,I have decided to ride the rmcs in order(so my next credit will be Outlaw run at silver dollar city)(followed by iron rattler/medusa steel coaster) 9/10 (Xcoasters)
Demasiado corto
I got the credit almost 7 years ago and that's it and I have no inetrest In riding this again unless I'm having such a great time that I've ridden everything at my home park(SFOT)at least 3 times in 2-4 hours or if its the only ride open(trust me,you don't want that to happen)
Situación Sin interés
The day I rode this will not be missed at all as it would break any coaster enthausist I'll ride this if I feel like getting squished into a kids size seat,then dispatching,then going up a lift hill and then through a short ride experience where you SLAM into the person sitting next to you, this is officially the worst coaster I have ridden
Capacidad Intensidad Torta Incomodidad
Its been almost a year since I rode this,this is one of the many roller coasters I have ridden by myself,the last ride I got on this was in the very back row and it was quite possibly the worst ride ive had on this coaster
Situación Comodidad Duración
this is the very first coaster that Ive ever rode and I remember this more than any other coaster out there,its a classic and its very special to me(even more than judge Roy scream) the ride experience is very tame and very long this is also one of the very few coasters I actually rode last year
Capacidad Lap Bar Intensidad Tematización
titan is being repainted right now so the last time I rode this it was orange and it dindt look very good the ride experience is really fun and really intense I've also never had to wait in line for this which is a really good thing this is the tallest&fastest and longest roller coaster I have ridden so far
I havent ridden this ride in over 3 years, and I hardly remember anything about this,and this is the only wooden roller coaster that I have ridden, this ride is very special to me because it is one of the first roller coasters that I've ever ridden the last several times I've been to six flags I haven't gotten to this or its been closed,hopefully I can get back on it when I go back to six flags
Situación Intensidad Confiabilidad
Its been almost a year since I rode Mr freeze,it is one of my favorite rides at the park,I love everything about this and I will ride it the next time I go back to six flags however,I've heard this ride has been breaking down A LOT(40+times)this year, I'm trying to figure out the reason why its been breaking down more often I'm a little worried about the future of Mr freeze,its safe for the 2025 season( because it would make no sense to SNBO it right now,) this should be your ropedrop ride at six flags over texas,go to the joker if this doesn't open on time if you are at six flags over Texas this year,DO NOT CHICKEN OUT ON THIS RIDE,it may be your last time riding this,I said the same thing for la vibora back in july 2024 and its now deflunct, I highly suggest for any coaster nerd that hasn't already,go ride this ASAP and don't give up on riding it
Situación Capacidad Incomodidad Tiempo muerto
This ride is now deflunct,as you know,this is a very low capacity attraction(250-325 riders per hour)i already knew that that the park would end up tearing this ride down,i this is the last coaster I rode in 2024 and the last coaster of the dark ages(aka,a TERRIBLE roller coaster season) I might be one of the few that actually enjoyed this ride(i enjoyed this at first,until I realized it was just turns/break runs(on a bobsled) I am for certain that the replacement will be a new b&m dive coaster over 300 feet tall this ride is also very uncorfortable (there are also dead spots in the form of 3-4 mid course break runs Update HOLY CRAP!!!!I WAS RIGHT,its replacement will be a 309 foot tall dive coaster,