Inversiones Fun Intensidad Tiempo muerto
I love montu, It is an incredible inverted coaster by B&M . I love the rides first half, with the first loop, zero g roll and especially the batwing being highlights due to either incredible whip and/or positive g’s. The valleys are also forceful. The second half is not as impressive as the pacing lets up after the second loop until the final whippy corkscrew, Still a near perfect invert
Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors
Perfect layout, Incredible forces, amazing pacing and every element delivers! This ride features insane ejector airtime from sustained moments like the breathtaking drop, outerbank and that ridiculous wave turn, to quicker pops of violent ejector towards the end as well as one of the best inversions in the world with the death roll, A perfect coaster
Tematización Obra maestra Ejectors
The full package, The best inversion in the world with the mosasaurus roll and some incredible elements, from the amazing ejector airtime moments, most notably the amazing top hat to the four world class inversions along with incredible theming , it is no wonder why many consider it to be their number one, I personally prefer the breathless intensity of Iron gwazi, but I can totally understand why people would prefer the overall experience of this ride, Great trains and ops too
Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors Demasiado corto Arnés Confiabilidad
The best drop I have experienced. violent sustained ejector with with great laterals simultaneously and the pull out is ridiculously forceful, The restraints are hard and cause head banging. It is also very unreliable and a short ride but its insane forces make up for that.
Airtimes Launch Fun Demasiado corto
Its very short, but it has a decent launch and decent airtime on the spikes. Smoothness depends on how its running but generally confortable. Easily 3rd in the park.
Inversiones Situación Intensidad
World class, Great inversions which are really intense along with amazing pacing and memorable location. The back of the ten car trains really emphasize the forces this rides pulls. The double helix leading into the double corkscrew is one of the best element combinations I have ever experienced going from some of the most powerful postive g’s out there to the ridiculous whip and floater airtime of the double corkscrew.
Inversiones Velocidad Intensidad Vibración
Kumba shreds through its layout, while its course is not original. Its downright insane Positve g’s are what make it. The hell roll is one of the most violent inversions in the world with insane laterals and floater airtime, corkscrews are very whippy and the first loop is a guaranteed grey out for me. The ending helix is also very forceful, Due to its age its not the smoothest but I still love this coaster