Arnés ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto
Unusual harness which is quite light for a looping coaster but ultimately ride doesn't do anything interesting. It's two loops and a forceless helix
Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors Tiempo muerto
An excellent and intense coaster with some hard hitting ejector airtime and fast laterals. Helix at the end though is a bit of a dud
Tematización Demasiado corto Layout
Decent theming for a kiddie credit but did nothing with it
Sin interés Layout
Went on way too long for it's own good. Barely span and the layout is boring
Sin interés
There is absolutely nothing to this coaster and frankly shouldn't considered one
Arnés Incomodidad
Not enough space for my legs under the harness
Fun Vibración Arnés
Got a good amount of spinning on this ride. The harness is uncomfortable and over there is a rattle. It's not a good ride but I feel it is overhated and shouldn't be the worse coaster according to the ranks
Probably the oldest and weakest of the vekomas family coasters in the park and it feels it
A decent enough rollercoaster repeated too much at this park
Arnés Vibración Incomodidad
Soft collar SLC however still uncomfortable to ride
Cute little family coaster that repeated too much in this oark
Fun Demasiado corto Sin interés
A decent enough family boomerang. But why are there two of them at this park?
Tematización Demasiado corto
A decent enough boomerang but why are there two at this park?
Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Duración Sin interés
A well themed if not glorified mine train
Primera caída Tiempo muerto
A good and wet water coaster that has dead spots due to the nature of the coaster
Tematización Comodidad
An enjoyable family suspended that goes through a dragon so with some decent theming
Launch Fun
A fun little launch coaster with some intense laterals
Airtimes Primera caída Layout Vibración
A brilliant and intense hyper coaster with slot to stand out against the B&M hypers. With a great set of swooping hills on the out and a intense low to the ground speed through on the back
Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Arnés
A huge and brilliant beast of a coaster. Great airtime in the back while great laterals in the front. A high tier RMC
Airtimes Comodidad Hangtime
A Fantastic and needed new roller coaster for thorpe park. Each element does something and there is no dead spots.
Tematización Launch Demasiado corto Capacidad
An excellent addition to the park with a nice step up for it's more younger clientale with a great launch and first inversion. It however is a shuttle coaster which have the downside of being short and low capacity
Airtimes Velocidad Layout
A fantastic rmc that 100% makes full advantage of its small footprint
Intensidad Hangtime Demasiado corto
A short intense little launch coaster which makes good filler but offers little else
Airtimes Situación Layout Vibración Tiempo muerto
A fantastic trip up into the woods. The titan track on the first drip really helps enhance the ride by allowing a smooth and fast run into the full wood sections. It probably wouldn't work as a full titan track but it allows for great intense speed at the start. The drops weaves up and down the forest hill with some great intense hills. It does slow down though at the end
Not much to say. Simple kiddie coaster pretty sure this is a clone and I've ridden this type of layout in multiple places. Does its job if very generic
Little kiddie coaster with a small whale splash
Launch Intensidad Airtimes
The best wing coaster I've been on with excellent launch and an intense layout. It of course has the same weak points of other wing coasters in that there is limited airtime
Situación Intensidad Duración Arnés Tiempo muerto
While the voyage had a bad first impression on me it quickly grew on me as I had originally hitched the first ride of the day on it and it hadn't warmed up enough to really give the ride you want. Huge air moments at the start while the second half is a low to the ground wind back to the station. It has issues though while I did get air it was at least for me was hampered by the train. They had those armrests breaking up the seat and it really wedged you in so you or time can be limited if ya my size or more. Someone smaller then me will prob be flying out his seat on this ride. The other issue is the second brake block doesn't just slow you down it practically stops you. I can see why people now rave about trimless voyage rides