Primera caída Vibración Demasiado corto
Based on my two rides, outer seats have a bad rattle, inner ones don't. You can't really pick your seats, so the risk of getting a painful one plus it being really short is pretty killer. Good first drop, though.
If Hydra were 10% too intense it'd probably have really bad headbanging and it's not particularly intense as it stands. Not a ringing endorsement, I know, but it finds a happy medium and is reasonably enjoyable.
Kinda painful, totally forceless, just worth riding bc it's 100 years old, apparently, That said, there are way better super-old coasters out there.
¡Romper en pedazos!
It's actually kinda cool how many different ways this thing finds to injure you.
Charming. Great night rides.
It’s a Batman clone. It’s fine.
Comodidad Suavidad
A better-than-average but pretty forceless B&M invert.
Love the hillside, ride’s largely boring, the cars don’t swing very much. Probably good for kids.
Fun Suavidad Launch Intensidad
Really enjoyable, nice that it’s very long, just wish it was more forceful, launches feel super weak.
Launch Hangtime Demasiado corto
Really great elements, insane hang time on the first loop and the swing launch is great. Just wish it was longer.
Situación Fun Layout
Probably the best flying coaster. Great views; most of the ride isn’t super intense but it really does make you feel like you’re flying. The pretzel roll is unreal.
Primera caída Duración Tiempo muerto
Sacrifices other RMCs’ relentless pacing for longer duration… the elements are all there and great individually but it feels like there’s a surprising amount of dead air in between. I did ride on a colder day after some downtime so it may have been running slow. Getting to do the first drop twice is awesome, though.
Fun in the dark for Halloween (they turn off all of the lights making the ride nearly pitch-black). Very skippable otherwise.
Situación Fun
A charming and just generally enjoyable classic wooden coaster. A bit better than you'd expect.
Intensidad Layout
A cut above as inverts go. Great layout that covers a lot of ground and adds a lot to the experience.
Inversiones Fun Vibración
A pretty good, generally fun ride. Nothing special, and nowadays it has a bit of a rattle.
Inversiones Launch Demasiado corto
Everything that's here is excellent, unfortunately it's just too short.
Intensidad Ejectors Incomodidad
Very forceful, made terrible exclusively by awful restraints that focus every ounce of force from the coaster right on your thighs. I can see why people love Skyrush; if it's not physically painful to ride it has a lot going for it and really whips you around in a great way. Worth riding to try out and see if it hurts too much to be worth it at the very least.
Comodidad Obra maestra Ejectors
Incredible. Best roller coaster I've been on to date. Absolutely non-stop with killer inversions, tons of airtime and generally a fantastically creative layout.
Inversiones Launch Layout Demasiado corto
Really unique and just super fun, a shame it isn't longer.
Intensidad Layout Duración
A real endurance test in the best way possible.
Comodidad Intensidad
Surprisingly great, forceful and intense but the padded seats keep it super comfortable. Probably the best ride at Dollywood if you can’t get a good ride in lightning rod.
Barely a roller coaster. Hits a dark ride sweet spot of being kinda bad in a charming way but also elaborate enough to be somewhat immersive. Just don’t go in expecting a roller coaster, it had 3 dinky drops and nothing else.
Inversiones Suavidad Demasiado corto
Maybe my favorite arrow coaster w/ inversions. Actually really smooth and charmingly retro. Unfortunately it’s very short and the seats are pretty weird and uncomfortable. The inversions are really fun.
Tematización Inversiones Torta Incomodidad
I’d adore this ride if it wasn’t so uncomfortable… the genuinely weird layout combined with some surprisingly nice theming makes it very worth riding once, unfortunately headbanging makes it too uncomfortable to bother with after that.
Suavidad Incomodidad
I might be overrating slightly as it’s my first wing coaster and hanging over the sides is very cool. Vest restraints suck and dug into my collarbone pretty badly. Otherwise it’s an unremarkable but pretty fun layout, definitely accomplishes its goal of making you feel like you’re flying.
Airtimes Velocidad Confiabilidad
Great in theory, but it has a bad combination of 1. Poor reliability meaning it may close for large chunks of a day and 2. Requiring ideal conditions to get a good ride- I rode once in the morning while it was rainy and colder right after it reopened and it was sluggish, then once when it was hotter and had been running for a while and the difference was night and day. Under ideal circumstances it flies through the layout with some great ejector moments, but there’s also the additional risk of stapling (Dollywood attendants thankfully rarely staple but the ride itself can do it if you aren’t careful, particularly at the bottom of the first hill). So it’s finicky, ideally you want to go on after it’s been open for a few hours but it may not open at all. An optimal ride is great, though; only real letdown is it’s very short.