• Matheus Castello

    Inversiones Intensidad Vibración

    This is my first SLC and I already went in expecting something shakey and forceful. But Firewhip exceeded my expectations, still! The vest restraints made the roughness not a problem for me, even if it is very noticeable, and especially so further towards the front. But the forces here are quite something, that double roll in particular has to be one of the most forceful elements on any coaster I've been on. Easily my favorite ride in the country!

  • Matheus Castello

    Vibración Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    This RCCA monstrosity is as rough as you'd expect... This coaster throughs you around like NOTHING else by roughness alone, and it's NOT comfortable, it feels like the coaster is built on a dirt road instead of on wood. And while it is a gigantic wooden coaster, it doesn't really do anything with that height and speed... I want to like it so much because it's so iconic for Brazil, but I just can't. Please RMC Montezum :)

  • Matheus Castello

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Tiempo muerto

    This is your standard Windstorm clone, it's a fun ride with a genuinely wild drop after the MCBR, it feels completely wrong in the best way possible. But other than that, the ride isn't particularly interesting. I feel like this model has a bit of an identity crisis in that it doesn't know what audience it's aimed at, since thrill seekers won't enjoy most of the ride, yet people who prefer milder rides will probably be floored by that one drop. It's a really curious model, haha

  • Matheus Castello

    Inversiones Intensidad

    This is your standard Schwarzkopf looper, and it excels at it. Forceful loop, and a nice solid simple layout that comes along with it.

  • Matheus Castello

    It's pretty tame and slow. Does its job as a more calming family coaster just fine, though!

  • Matheus Castello

    Airtimes Velocidad Demasiado corto

    This thing was very fun! It has some nice floater pops, and a quick paced layout! I don't think it compares very favorably to some taller and more intense GCIs, but it doesn't need to, the ride is great for what it is.

  • Matheus Castello

    This is a very cute family coaster, going out of the shopping mall and featuring some nice theming for a park this scale! It's a very mild ride, of course, but a great fit on this family-oriented park.

  • Matheus Castello


    This is the only alpine coaster I've been to, so I don't have much to compare, but it was a fun experience! If you don't break you get some fun laterals and there are two sneaky pops of airtime.

  • Matheus Castello

    Tematización Duración

    Great mine train! Can't score it any higher given it's not the kind of ride that I enjoy the most, but it's fantastic for what it is.

  • Matheus Castello


    This ride is awesome! Being in the dark is an instant fun multiplier, and you get some fun pops as you go! I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said haha

  • Matheus Castello

    Airtimes Fun

    This ride is awesome! Being in the dark is an instant fun multiplier, and you get some fun pops as you go! I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said haha

  • Matheus Castello

    Tematización Tiempo muerto

    I'm not a big fan of water rides, at least not on dry parks, so I'm not a huge fan of this thing, but the very very short coaster section was fun!

  • Matheus Castello

    Inversiones Intensidad

    There are more intense B&Ms in Florida, but of course Kraken is still super fun! The straight drop is great, and has some fun little floater, and then all the inversions are nice and fun! It's not as intense and whippy as Montu or Kumba, but that's ok because what it is is still fun!

  • Matheus Castello

    Airtimes Primera caída

    This thing is absolutely fantastic! Until I had ridden it, the only B&M Hyper I'd been on was Nitro, and this thing completely dunks on it, and I enjoyed Nitro a lot, too! But Mako is just so much better, it has some real nice flojector airtime, and the ride is just pure bliss in the form of airtime. People like to complain about the part after the MCBR, but I think it was a reasonable finale to the ride. Of course, more airtime is always welcome, but I don't think Mako's ending is a dealbreaker, by any means! Two years later, it's still my favorite B&M Hyper, with me also preferring it to Shambhala!

  • Matheus Castello


    It's nothing special, just your standard spinning wild mouse! It's not particularly fast nor does it spin particularly fast, so it kinda just... exists! I wish it spun the whole way though.

  • Matheus Castello

    Airtimes Hangtime Vibración Incomodidad

    DISCLAIMER: this review was made right before the ride had the 208 Retrak, when it was at its roughest state, I've heard it's significantly better nowadays! — I really wanted to like this thing, but the ride itself didn't want to be liked. This thing jackhammers like hell and back, it felt like the ride wanted to rip my legs out of my body, unquestionably the most uncomfortable coaster I've ridden and I've ridden two RCCAs, one of which (Montezum) hasn't gotten ANY major trackwork done since 1999, so yeah, its quite the bar that this felt more uncomfortable, I presume due to the lighter timberliner trains amplifying the vibrations, especially since the park was dead when I visited and I only had zen rides. This roughness really is a shame, because the inversion is absurdly fun, and you can 100% feel the "woodyness" of it while being upside down, it's a sublime moment, not to mention the fun airtime pops. But then you hit every single valley and it's just, ugh, awful... It completely outweighed the good parts of the ride

  • Matheus Castello

    Inversiones Intensidad Vibración Torta

    I've heard this ride is fine once you clear the over-the-shoulder restraints, but I rode as a kid over a decade ago, and the headbanging was VIOLENT! I cannot in good faith rate this ride any higher, even though I really want to appreciate its power and iconicity!

  • Matheus Castello

    Tiempo muerto

    This was very smooth when I visited, but it was just... boring? I'm sure for its time this coaster was a huge milestone, but in more modern times, it did feel a bit pointless. It just went so sluggishly over these turns, and the ride wasn't racing when I went, so that took away the last chance for this ride to have a redeeming quality! Still, it's always sad to see a classic go, even if it didn't age well, rest in peace Colossus.

  • Matheus Castello

    Airtimes Primera caída Launch Demasiado corto

    This thing feels more like a drop tower than a roller coaster, in a sense, but it's still a fun ride nonetheless. Even if it's just that one spike, the launch goes on for so long, it feels like you're gonna take off, and you get so much weightlessness that it really is a great ride at the end of the day. Of course, it's hard to compare it to anything with more substantial of a layout though, so it can't get full marks, but it's fun for what it is!

  • Matheus Castello


    I enjoyed this ride! It's not one of the most intense old-school B&Ms and it really doesn't stand out at its park but it's still a great ride and layout! Not much else to say.

  • Matheus Castello

    Airtimes Velocidad

    Apocalypse wasn't very rough when I rode, so I just had a blast! It's got this quick pacing and airtime pops that make the ride so fun. If this is one of the lower tier GCIs, I can only imagine what the top tiers feel like!

  • Matheus Castello

    Primera caída Fun Intensidad Vibración

    That first drop will forever be etched and live rent-free in my mind, it is completely out of this world to go down facing the ground, and last minute perform such a quick rotation. This thing feels unreal in the best way possible. Not to mention the fly-to-lies both of which are incredibly disorienting and remarkably fun! The ride definitely loses steam a bit on the turnaround, but it doesn't detract from the ride for me, and neither does the bounciness of the seats and rotation, it wasn't discomfortable in any way, inner or outer seat, as far as I remember.

  • Matheus Castello

    Sin interés

    I actually didn't hate this myself? I don't know how because everyone complains about this thing, and understandably so, but to me this was much more boring than uncomfortable. I think I got one flip if that, and it just like wiggled its way down, but I do not genuinely recall any discomfort. It was just kind of a pointless ride, which is a shame, I'm sure if it spun more it would have been more fun, but as it was, it felt like an overbraked wild mouse on its side. I'm really eager to do Insane at Gröna Lund and see what a full potential Zac Spin really is like

  • Matheus Castello

    Tematización Duración

    Great mine train! Can't score it any higher given it's not the kind of ride that I enjoy the most, but it's fantastic for what it is.

  • Matheus Castello

    Inversiones Intensidad

    The pretzel loop is absolutely insane as usual, the rest of the ride? Not so much, but that's okay! The contrast between the floaty graceful part and the fricking pretzel loop kinda works for some reason, and this ride is as a result, a nice supporting coaster in the park!

  • Matheus Castello

    Airtimes Primera caída

    This thing was very fun! The airtime is not comparable to other B&M hypers I've done in Shambhala and especially Mako, which have stronger air, but Nitro does enough to get the job done!

  • Matheus Castello


    Rode this as Bizarro and I enjoyed it! It's not one of the most intense old-school B&Ms but it's still a great ride and layout! Not much else to say.

  • Matheus Castello

    Primera caída Ejectors

    I don't have the clearest memories of my rides on Toro, but I just recall the drop, and first two camelbacks having some absolutely batshit ejector. The section after the second camelback and before the notorious Rolling Thunder hill lets its foot of the gas a bit, but it's still fun! And of course, I did really enjoy the parts after the RT hill too, the low to the ground transitions and quick pops of airtime at the end are a reasonable finale for such a fantastic ride!

  • Matheus Castello

    Fun Ejectors

    This is a great lil' ride. It's peppered with so many ejector pops, making even the slow-to-start swing launch actually very fun due to all the airtime pops. The tall element after the launch has fantastic ejector into it in the front and out of it in the back, and the return run also has some great airtime bursts. Great ride!

  • Matheus Castello

    Layout Vibración Incomodidad

    When I visited BGT I believe only the lion side was open and it wasn't dueling. So there went this coaster's only chance for salvation for being interesting. I'm sure the dueling elements on this would have been fantastic, but without that, all I was left with was a pretty rough ride, with nothing standout about it. A shame :( glad some of its structure got to live on as one of the best roller coasters in the world!