• MapleFlakes

    Inversiones Intensidad Torta Incomodidad

    I consider myself to be the biggest defender of stand-ups. I think they have really good forces and fun inversions if you learn how to position the seat properly and ride defensively. Green Lantern really puts that to the test. This is perhaps the most actively engaged with defensive riding I've ever had to be on any roller coaster; in order to appreciate this layout you really need to be fighting back against every single transition. Even with all of that done, the layout itself is just pretty good, and much weaker than one like Georgia Scorcher. 7/10 - more coasters should just have random yellow-painted loops in their layout

  • MapleFlakes

    Tematización Layout

    This is easily the best Mack Wild Maus I've ridden. The attention to detail in the theming actually blew me away; I did not expect that from a Six Flags park. The ride ran at a comfortable speed, so I found the turns much more enjoyable than Ricochet at Carowinds. If there isn't a line outside then I recommend giving this one a shot, it's pretty fun. 5/10 - Six Flags wild mouse pre-show was not what I was expecting I will be honest with you

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversiones Obra maestra Ejectors

    This is perhaps the best possible mid-scale RMC that could ever be built. Wildcat utilizes the footprint of its predecessor so expertly and efficiently that every single thing RMC is known for is able to be jam-packed into this layout. This ride features an awesome first drop, breathtaking high-speed inversions with the underflip and the zero-G rolls, absolutely absurd airtime on the camelback and wave turns, and masterful hangtime on the stall. Add in some funky laterals that I will always be a sucker for and nearly perfect pacing and you get one of the greatest rides of all time. 10/10 - I didn't even mention that this ride has the best loose article solution I've ever seen with giant, free, double-sided lockers just before the station; why is this thing so good in every way

  • MapleFlakes

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors

    Though the new lap bars have absolutely made Skyrush a more bearable experience, it is still far from a comfortable one. The negative and positive Gs back-to-back are still so absurdly strong that it feels like your body is being ripped in half. The first drop genuinely feels like the ride is derailing partway through for some inexplicable reason and the rattle is so strong that it can give you a headache. I would not have this ride any other way. This stupid hunk of yellow steel is truly one of the greatest roller coasters ever made, and I hope it continues to last a long time. 10/10 - I am so happy that the mini restraint release on the brake run is still here; it's such a funny little thing

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversiones Launch Layout Demasiado corto

    Storm Runner, despite being quite short, is a phenomenal launch coaster. Obviously that ever-rarer hydraulic launch is the highlight, but this ride packs in 3 unique and awesome inversions in its short layout. The flying snake dive is easily one of the coolest elements on any ride in the world. That's not even mentioning how strong the airtime on the top hat is. Any accelerator absolutely must be experienced in the front row to grasp the full picture, and Storm Runner is no exception. 9/10 - shoutout to the guy waiting for front behind me that got really pissy when he asked if he could cut me in line and I said no

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Layout ¡Decepción!

    For whatever reason I found Thunder to be substantially less enjoyable than Lightning, though I suppose a year had passed since my last ride. As everyone has said before, the airtime in this layout really isn't that great, but it makes up for it with some awesome dueling moments that I will forever and always be a sucker for. It definitely isn't the best GCI out there, but it is certainly worth a ride. 7.5/10 - it would be insane if this got RMC'd and there were two in the back of this park but I know that's just a pipe dream

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Situación Duración

    Comet is a really solid, really fun wooden roller coaster. The location over the water and under Skyrush is definitely my favorite part, but there is also a nice helping of airtime throughout the layout. It's also quite a long ride, so you feel like you get your wait's worth by the time you hit the breaks. I am really bummed I skipped this last year when it had the buzz bars; the individual lap bar came down quite hard during my ride and I can't help but wonder how much better the single-position bar would have been. 7/10 - this is the most slanted station I have ever seen in my life; it has to be a tripping hazard for ops

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Suavidad Capacidad Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    I'm not that big of a fan of spinning wild mouses, and Laff Trakk reinforces that. There really isn't much here for me to appreciate. The indoor theming is kinda fun, and the track is very smooth, but there are a ton of dead spots and the spinning is very minimal. It's definitely not worth the wait that this thing can build up, especially if Wildcat is a walk-on next door (which it was). 5/10 - my friend who hates roller coasters rode this one with me and I think she's traumatized for life now

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    Though I've only been on a couple, I'd be shocked if this isn't the best Vekoma Boomerang. The theming is very cute, and the vape tunnel is a neat little addition to an otherwise boring and repetitive ride experience. Boomerangs, as always, pull great forces, but they will forever and always be a one-and-done for the credit. 6.5/10 - why did the TikTok lady say "Green! Apple! 😀" at me

  • MapleFlakes

    Suavidad ¡Romper en pedazos! Tiempo muerto

    This was probably the most boring Arrow Mine Train I've experienced. It doesn't really do anything at all; not even the ending helix pulls forces. At the very least it's relatively smooth for an Arrow, but besides that there isn't anything remarkable about this coaster. 3.5/10 - I say tear it down but frankly I have no clue what you could fit in this plot of land

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Situación Vibración Tiempo muerto

    Though I never had a chance to ride it before the Gravity Group re-track, I'm certain this is the best this ride has ever run. The first drop and the fan turn are great, but the highlights are the couple little airtime hills sprinkled throughout. The turnaround after the first drop is a rather large dead spot, though. Even though the ride runs great where it was re-tracked, it's rather rattly in the places where work was obviously not done, specifically near the end. 7/10 - did anyone tell the designers that you're supposed to *exit* through the gift shop?

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Primera caída Fun Tiempo muerto

    This is what I wanted Apollo's Chariot to be. A few unique elements for an out-and-back hyper plus B&M's perfected floater hills. My only complaint is that while the helix around the kisses fountain is fun, it is rather forceless. It's very cool to have two hypers a rock's throw away from each other that have completely different experiences; after riding this and Skyrush in the same day I see why this was needed. 8.5/10 - this review is dedicated to the teenage boys that tried to cut me in line and then started making homophobic comments

  • MapleFlakes

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Layout Vibración Capacidad Confiabilidad

    I'd only ever done this ride once roughly 6 years ago, and I went in expecting little. I was actually blown away by how much I liked it. Maybe it's the fact that it's the only flying coaster I've ever done, but Nighthawk is just a really enjoyable experience. Minus the corkscrews at the end it has a fantastic layout, and flying over the water is amazing, especially at night. The rattle is intense, but with little to bang up against it actually didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. The two most obvious issues are its awful capacity and tendency to break; I've rarely been in queue for this thing without it going down, and I've only ever seen it run two trains once. Overall, Nighthawk is a very underrated coaster at Carowinds, but probably not worth the 90 minute average wait. 8.5/10 - why does the restraint have a nipple

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Vibración

    This is definitely the star attraction of this otherwise incredibly lacking lineup. Despite the obviously comical straight track, this layout packs some serious forces. Though the first airtime hill only gives really weak floater, the first drop is incredibly strong, the helices are absurdly intense, and the airtime finale is really good with some sweet laterals thrown in for good measure. This was the only ride at Six Flags America I wanted to and got to reride, but given how bad the rest of my experience at this park was, I can't even recommend driving a half-hour off the interstate for an Intamin hyper of all things. 9/10 - I sat on a bench for an hour waiting for this ride to reopen when I really just wanted to leave the park as soon as possible

  • MapleFlakes

    Launch Intensidad ¡Decepción!

    I was led to believe Joker's Jinx would be a better version of Flight of Fear, but I found the opposite to be true. Sure, there aren't any trims, but I found that the ride carried its speed throughout the layout worse anyways. The launch was less interesting and felt less powerful, and the outdoor setting, while allowing for cooler headchoppers, was just less fun than the indoor show building. It's worth riding if you're at the park, but if you value your time on this earth you won't be at this park anyways. 7/10 - shoutout to the ride op who did not tell us to keep our heads back and almost gave the girl sitting next to me whiplash

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Intensidad Incomodidad

    Given how much I like Nighthawk, I was really excited for Batwing. In my opinion, the leanback of the Dutchmen is much more comfortable than the raising of the B&M flyers. Despite those pros, I found Batwing to be an overall less comfortable experience than its sibling at Carowinds. The vertical loop of course remains awesome, but the in-line twists where actually more uncomfortable than Nighthawk's corkscrews. Despite the less-present rattle I was just overall less able to enjoy the layout, which certainly wasn't aided by the much less interesting location over a grass plot. I still recommend the ride, but not enough to advise traveling to this awful park. 8/10 - fun fact! This same model of train (the ones leftover from Firehawk) sit under Fury 325's lift hill to this day

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversiones ¡Buena sorpresa! Arnés Vibración

    Skywinder was a pleasant surprise! Vest restraints really allow you to appreciate the strong forces and unique inversions of the SLC layout, even with a rattle present. I'm sure with OTSRs this ride would have been unbearable, but I think it's absolutely worth a ride now that it's been redone. 7/10 - who is Professor Screammore I don't know my Six Flags America lore

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Fun

    It's always a pleasant surprise when a piece of coaster history still provides an excellent ride. Wild One runs decently smooth and has some really fun airtime and laterals throughout its long layout. That's without even mentioning how nice this thing looks splitting the park in half. The paint may be heavily worn, but I think that really adds to the aesthetic. 7/10 - it's pretty embarrassing that this is the best wooden coaster in the park

  • MapleFlakes

    Duración Vibración

    Roar is, in fact, not very good! I didn't even ride in a wheel seat and this thing was phenomenally rough. There's basically no airtime to speak of, which is pretty disappointing given how good GCIs tend to be in that regard. I think this layout has potential, but it needs to be retracked and slightly reprofiled to have the airtime pop better. Either that or bite the bullet and just RMC the thing. 5.5/10 - it's truly impressive that the worst GCI and worst B&M are right next door

  • MapleFlakes

    Intensidad Torta

    At long last I have finally found it: the not very good B&M. Firebird's layout is alright, and the intensity is pretty good, but this is the only B&M I've been on that riding defensively was almost entirely futile. It wasn't *awful*, but my ears were definitely throbbing by the time I got off the ride. 6.5/10 - I didn't even know a ride like this was allowed to have 1 op check the entire train; SFA never ceased to amaze me

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Incomodidad

    I would be lying if I said I didn't have a good time on this thing. Ragin' Cajun gave me by far the most spinning of any spinning ride I've ever been on. It was genuinely absurd and unsettling, but it was kind of a blast because of it. There's also an insane ejector hill at the end of the layout that really took me by surprise. 5.5/10 - shoutout to the ride op who was told the seatbelt came undone during the ride and just said "okay" and kept loading guests

  • MapleFlakes

    Primera caída Velocidad Intensidad

    If Fury is the perfect giga coaster, I305 is the absolutely insane and deranged sibling that tries to kill you and is somehow better for it. If you trade a varied and majestic layout for insane intensity and laterals so strong they give you airtime, you get this monster. Some may say that the over-the-shoulder restraints hurt this ride's quality, but I firmly believe lap bars on this thing would result in countless spinal injuries. To this day this is the only coaster I am ever scared to ride. The sheer power and intensity is downright horrifying, but that's what makes the ride so good; there is no other coaster like this one on the planet and there never will be. 10/10 - as of my last visit I can officially say I have fully passed out on this thing! Do not ride this coaster 3 times-back-to-back dehydrated and on an empty stomach

  • MapleFlakes


    At the risk of sounding like an incredibly whiny thoosie, this ride could actually be so much better. For whatever reason Wilderness Run at Carowinds is substantially better in every regard. It actually has some forces and is substantially longer, while GPC is pretty much nothing at all. I totally understand I'm not the target audience, but the kids deserve better. 2/10 - it only took 3 different visits for me to finally be allowed to get this credit

  • MapleFlakes

    Primera caída Fun Ejectors

    Twisted Timbers is probably the best ride in the world for pure ejector. Practically every element is profiled flawlessly to provide incredible moments of airtime, especially that iconic triple camelback. There isn't much else going on in this layout, however. Aside from a few funky laterals and great hangtime in the front row of the first drop, this ride is just airtime after airtime after airtime. But that airtime is exceptional, so I can't complain. This ride being in the same park as the best ride in the world for positive Gs is a truly insane one-two punch. 10/10 - literally what is that big ping pong ball in queue

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Fun Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    My opinion on this ride has changed in both directions. For one, I've since done Twisted Timbers so I am devastated by the untapped potential here. On the other hand, I've also experienced this ride in more conditions, both at its worst and best. If you get a back-row wheel seat ride on this coaster early in the day, it's bad. There is no other way to say it. However, if you ride in the front of the train after it has been running all day long in the hot sun, this coaster is actually pretty fun. It has some pleasant airtime in the front, though nothing too crazy. The jackhammering is still frequent, but the rebuilt turnaround is certainly much more pleasant this year. Hurler isn't a ride I prioritize every visit, but if I have time for a night ride I will definitely seek it out. 6/10 - they really looked at this thing and said it was Wayne's World themed, huh?

  • MapleFlakes

    Situación Duración Vibración Airtimes

    I went into this ride expecting good airtime but horrific discomfort. I came out with little to no airtime (despite sitting in the second-to-back row) and no discomfort, despite a pretty present rattle. The only moments of airtime I had were the finale's bunny hills, the rest of the ride was pretty disappointing in that regard. I think the strongest thing this coaster has is its location over the lake. It makes for a very scenic ride and experience walking by it, but only improves my opinion of it a slight bit. 5/10 - Twisted Cyclone is good and all but this would have been an insane RMC

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Fun

    It's a fun and janky kiddie coaster; there's not much more to it. The twisted first drop has some surprising laterals, the middle is dead, and the ending has what I like to call Baby Force One bunny hills that provide a little bit of airtime. Going around the layout twice is also nice. 3/10 - massive shoutout to the operator who did not care and let two adults ride

  • MapleFlakes

    Primera caída Tematización Duración Tiempo muerto

    This is one of those dark ride/coaster hybrids that's hard to rank. As a dark ride it's quite charming, but as a coaster it really isn't all that good, minus the first drop. It's definitely a must-ride when at Dollywood, just don't expect to be blown away. 5.5/10 - I would list air conditioning as a pro if I could

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversiones Hangtime Duración

    Banshee is remarkably different from every other invert I've ridden, but I still love it as one of the best. I know many complain about the lack of whip, but I actually really enjoyed the change in the profiling. In the front row it feels like you are being held face-down to the ground at the end of nearly every inversion, and it's a super unique feeling. The in-line twist gives some funky but awesome hangtime, and the pretzel knot is very different inversion from anything else in the world. I honestly wish that this ride was just a smidge more intense, but if that's the price to pay for that stalling during the inversions then I am more than happy to pay it. 8.5/10 - my hair got caught in the vest restraint and it hurt a lot

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Fun Vibración

    I was initially going to skip this one, but since I had plenty of time at the park I checked it out. In the front row, Blue Streak is a surprisingly good ride with some fun pops of airtime throughout its course. In the back, this thing beats you senseless. It's not as bad as Corkscrew by any means, but it certainly can rattle you around about as much as the train rattles itself. If you're going to take the time out of your day to ride it, definitely try to get as close to the front of the train as possible. 6/10 - why does it feel like the train is undulating underneath you the entire time; it's so weird