• Luke Thomas

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Demasiado corto

    A short ride that packs a punch, very enjoyable and re-rideable. A strange but fun experience.

  • Luke Thomas

    Inversiones ¡Buena sorpresa! Vibración

    Probably the best cloned SLC I have ridden. It’s the smoothest one so you appreciate the layout more and I actually re rode it quite a bit! Obviously still a little rough with that rattle. But there’s minimal head banging. The restraint isn’t the really bulky ones either.

  • Luke Thomas

    Arnés Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Yep, obviously it’s awful. At least it doesn’t have any severe headbanging though.

  • Luke Thomas

    Tematización Launch ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto Layout

    One of the most disappointing rides I’ve ever been on. The theming in the queue is brilliant, and that first launch is fantastic. The layout however, is very bad. A real shame.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Tematización Velocidad Capacidad

    I don’t like the pre show that slows down the capacity, but the ride itself is magnificent, great pacing, theming and some good airtime. It’s certainly got better with age. Probably my favourite theming for any ride I’ve been on. Superb family-thrill coaster that is always great fun. Super lucky to have ridden 2 night rides on this.

  • Luke Thomas

    Situación Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Probably the worst SLC I have ridden, you come off with red ears every time and I’m fairly sure that this ride deafens you on the ride due to the shear battering your ears take. The location is decent though. Everything else is horrendous.

  • Luke Thomas

    Velocidad Demasiado corto

    A mostly fun ride, but it’s definitely a “one and done” type. It builds up pace very well, but once it does, you enter the brake run.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Tiempo muerto

    Last time I rode this I really enjoyed it! It has been maintained really well, and the new track profiling is great. It offers enough floater airtime to make for a fun classic.

  • Luke Thomas

    Intensidad Suavidad Ejectors Capacidad

    One of the most underrated rides in the UK, a fast paced forceful ride that packs a serious punch. The ejector on the first drop is ridiculous, and it’s perfectly smooth. The restricted capacity does affect the long queues this ride frequently gets.

  • Luke Thomas

    Primera caída Fun Duración Incomodidad Airtimes

    A long, fun ride. Even if it lacks some airtime, it’s a myth that this ride has none, the profiling is odd, but it adds to the quirky nature of the ride. Is an extremely fun ride with some strong lateral moments and a wonderful location. Long too with a great lap bar restraint. The re tracking has certainly helped modernise the ride. That first drop is excellent too.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Suavidad Hangtime Launch

    You could say the 1st launch is underwhelming, but it never bothered me. This is a close contender for the UK’s number 1. Impeccable airtime and layout featuring many unique elements. I like the junior Immelmann after the 2nd launch the most. Also, the spinning train Enso is absolutely wild. Currently the best ride experience in the uk.

  • Luke Thomas

    Inversiones Intensidad Hangtime Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    Shame to see this version of Shockwave go. The stand-up trains had their pros and cons. But it mostly made for a more unique experience, that zero g roll is incredible on stand up trains, and it’s very forceful. There is a little jolt whilst entering the first inversion, and the ride only consists of 4-5 elements. But I still really liked it. Not sure if the sit-down trains will enhance this coaster.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Fun Hangtime

    An excellent and unique indoor rollercoaster experience featuring a great diverse layout and extreme levels of hang time and ejector airtime. The hill leading into the first launch is excellent. The elements are taken at precise speeds, it can be a little slow through elements, but it increases the hang time. There are a lot of Trim Brakes though, and the launch isn’t extremely forceful but still fun. But the staff were really nice, so that’s an extra positive for a brilliant attraction.

  • Luke Thomas

    Inversiones Ejectors Hangtime

    Pretty much the perfect “short but sweet” ride. Good theming, great first launch that features some insane hang time on the backwards launch, and some very great inversions. The ejector hill is great too. I ride this excellent ride 11 times whilst I was there, an excellent time.

  • Luke Thomas

    Inversiones Fun Duración Vibración

    I’m not the biggest fan of rides that focus on inversions over airtime, but I still enjoy them. That’s why I really like dragon Khan. The inversions are very forceful, especially that zero g roll, easily the highlight of the ride, it’s a well thought out layout too, the colour scheme looks exceptional as well. It’s great fun experiencing many inversions.

  • Luke Thomas

    Tematización Launch Fun Incomodidad

    Excellent theming, brilliant preshow and launch, great forceful layout and crazy inline twist. Why is this so hated? Sure it isn’t smooth, but I find it super rerideable whenever I visit this park. It’s a fantastic ride!

  • Luke Thomas

    Tematización Fun Suavidad Intensidad

    Another unfortunate defunct ride that was good. Great theming and an brilliant entrance to the ride. The ride itself was a simple but fun family friendly layout, but the theming really enhanced this one

  • Luke Thomas

    Launch Velocidad Demasiado corto Layout

    Rita always has a bad reputation among thrill seekers in the Uk. It’s not a bad ride, but it’s very underwhelming compared to their world class line up. It’s certainly poor in terms of layout but it features a forceful launch and decent pacing. It’s too short though.

  • Luke Thomas

    Tematización Situación Suavidad Capacidad Layout

    Always has long lines due to its family thrill status. Still a good ride though, although very tame and easily skippable if lines are too long, it’s got some good theming and the drop gets me every time.

  • Luke Thomas

    Situación Suavidad Layout

    The most underrated coaster out there. Great layout that interacts with the terrain and the pathways around it. Glossy smooth and has some great forces especially the part where you’re flipped on your back. I’m a big fan of this ride, it’s such a unique feeling and a great experience.

  • Luke Thomas

    Tematización Capacidad Hangtime Arnés Incomodidad

    The smiler is a great attraction at Alton Towers but it’s a little overrated by the general public. It’s not top 3 at Alton towers for me. Whilst being probably the most uncomfortable and rough thrill coaster at the park due to its restrictive restraints that push further down during the ride, the repetitive inversion packed layout isn’t for me. It’s contains some great airtime moments and there are some good inversions there, the hang time is the best part for me, along with the excellent themeing. However, it’s still great fun, and a ride I always go on at the park.

  • Luke Thomas

    Layout Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    A ride that stands out at Thorpe park, it’s just really dreary compared to the other, more modern attractions. It’s painfully rough and shaky with some of the worst trains on any rollercoaster out there. Thorpe park need to really start to consider either a retrack or demolishion.

  • Luke Thomas

    Inversiones Situación Layout Demasiado corto

    There really isn’t many flaws with nemesis inferno. It’s just not as good as its sister ride at Alton towers. It’s less intense and has a weaker layout. However, it’s still a great ride with some good forces and nice whippy inversions. Probably my least favourite out of all the thrill coasters at Thorpe park except from colossus though.

  • Luke Thomas

    Primera caída Tematización Ejectors Vibración Demasiado corto

    Saw the ride is great but it feel this could’ve been Thorpe park’s best. Excellent ejector moments and some great theming off a franchise I like, but it’s too rattly and way too short in terms of layout in order to be considered for the best. There’s some poorly profiled elements that can cause some discomfort but overall, it’s very enjoyable, with some great airtime and inversions.

  • Luke Thomas

    Launch Intensidad Ejectors Arnés

    An awesome Intamin accelerator that certainly rivals red force in intensity. It packs a mega punch with its smaller top hat and extremely fast acceleration. That airtime hill coming out of the top hat is very forceful too as you slam into the breaks. There’s no head banging but I feel this ride would heavily benefit off lap bars. Anyways, this ride is excellent and easily top 2 at Thorpe park. Intense and purposeful.

  • Luke Thomas

    Fun Layout Demasiado corto

    Quite fast actually. It does whip you over some of them turns.

  • Luke Thomas

    Capacidad ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Demasiado corto

    Some good fun to be had here! Cool train design, good drop and great splashdown with some quirky theming. Just wish it was a little longer.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Primera caída Inversiones

    I could add more pros if I wanted too. Truly a world class attraction. Smooth, intense, great restraints and properly maintained. This is one of Mack rides finest works. I got 8 rides on this ride, including 6 back row rides and 2 front row rides on an quiet day at the park. The first drop, insane. Whippy on the back row but great suspense on the front as you climb over it and eventually whipped into the 180 degree turn on the drop. The massive vertical loop is easily the most intense part of the ride, it caused me constant grey outs during my multiple rides on it, with its strong negative Gs and hang time. The airtime hills are all consistent on this ride, they all deliver top tier “flojector” airtime. The zero G roll is excellent. Your are thrown side to side during it if not fully prepared for the inversion, The strongest hang time on the ride too. Then the final 2 elements being a helix and some Z turns which is a great way to finish off an incredible ride. Easily a new top 5 coaster. Immensely rerideable and delivers in every row.

  • Luke Thomas

    Obra maestra Intensidad Duración

    Still one of my favourites, intense and aesthetically brilliant. A architectural masterpiece. I will never forget a rain ride I once had on this.

  • Luke Thomas

    Lap Bar Velocidad Ejectors

    Some of the best airtime on any coaster. Especially them final 3 hills taken at excellent pace. The first element is impressive too. Didn’t ride this as much as untamed when I visited due to longer queues but 4 times was more than enough to acknowledge how great this ride is.