• JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Tematización Situación Obra maestra Vibración

    Velocicoaster is literally the definition of a perfect coaster. Incredible layout, crazy elements, punchy launches, and a great rush of adrenaline through the whole layout. Not only that but this thing is stacked with props and story. A thrill coaster with themeing?! Thats unheard of! But somehow Velocicoaster pulls it off perfectly. I could go on and on about its elements, but they really dont need any introduction. The The first half is filled with head choppers with all the rockwork and raptors. Then the second half has that crazy launch into one of the tophats of all time. Great ejector airtime in the front and back which is just the appetizer for the second half. The spaghetti bowl section is filled with wacky elements like this aggressive outerbank that launches you out your seat and this zero g stall that gives you some good hangtime. But thats not even the best part, the finale is what really makes the second half incredible. The speed hill gives some good floater but then it rips through the mosasaurus roll which felt like it was trying rip me inhalf with pure ejector! Almost felt like I was going to be launched into the water. Then there are two ejector pops into the brakes ending one of the greatest coasters on earth. There really is nothing else to say that has been said. This truly is a masterpiece. My expectations were extremely high going in and somehow it demolished it. Giving this beast a 10/10 does it no justice, the only way to really describe it is to just ride it.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Airtimes Capacidad Comodidad Tiempo muerto

    Ive always lived on the west coast with our only hypers being Goliath SFMM and Xcelerator, so I was incredibly excited to finally be able to try a B&M hyper, not only that but also one of the best. First impressions with the restraint and seat design were outstanding. The B&M clamshells are one of the most comfortable restraints I have ever experienced, even stapled you still get great floater air. I'm personally used to the twisty mangled layout of Goliath, so the out and back layout stacked with giant camelbacks were very new to me and it definitely did not disappoint. The first drop is glorious in the back row giving me strong sustained flojector airtime the whole way down and the following camel back did as well, but stronger towards the front. The Stengel dive overbank turn however didn't do a whole much but it was pretty cool hanging off the side at that height. The Hammerhead turnaround did give some good positives, but nothing outstanding. However the following 3 hills all gave incredible floater airtime as well as the speed hill giving a great burst of flojector. The midcourse does slow the ride a bit, but its really funny in the front row as you get launched out your seat and then get flung fowards due to the brakes. The second half is definitely a bit slower, but I still got good floater on the final camel back and great views of the park as the coaster made its way through the plaza. Also on the left side you get darn close to the water which is really cool. Overall I think this is a fantastic coaster. and most surely didn’t disappoint as my first B&M hyper. It does what it was designed to do exceptionally and is butter smooth as well. I really don't have any complaints, however I will say I still prefer Goliath at SFMM to this. I know many wont feel the same, but nothing compares to crazy positives Goliath pulls during those final turns, and the great floater you get on the drop and speed hill.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Launch Intensidad Ejectors Capacidad

    Xcelerator, easily the best launch coaster in California, is a beast. That launch is absolutely no joke, its so forceful that it feels like you teleported down the track. The following element is absolutely bonkers as well. The 200ft+ tophat gives some absolutely violent ejector airtime in the backrow. Paired with the crazy laterals, the moment is even more amplified. The following overbanks, although pretty forceless really highlight the speed of the coaster. The overbank through the tophat also has an underrated handchopper on the right. I know everyone complains that the coaster is too short, but I really don't see a reason for it too be longer. These accelerators are all about that launch and Xcelerator no doubt does not disappoint.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Situación Intensidad Duración Torta Capacidad Incomodidad

    Riddler's Revenge, arguably the best looper at SFMM, although I personally prefer Viper. Riddler's Revenge, has a strong presence in the park, towering over Wonder Woman Flight of Courage, and Batman, dominating the DC universe. The stats are very impressive as Riddler's Revenge is the worlds tallest and fastest stand up coaster. However thats where my first gripe comes in, the stand up gimmick. The seats on the trains are practically torture devices, crushing the genitals of any male human being which is a rather unpleasant and painful experience. This is a real shame as it has a great twister layout, filled with powerful inversions. However, if you can look past the uncomfort of Riddler's Revenge, it is a great ride with bits of theming scattered throughout its layout.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Inversiones Intensidad Duración Vibración Torta Sin interés

    I'll get straight to the point, Scream is overhated. Sure, it may not be the best looper, not even the best in its own park, but it doesn't deserve all the slander it gets from so many enthusiasts. Scream does have a good layout and the intensity is definitely there. The loop is very powerful, corkscrews are snappy, and it has an amazing Zero G roll. However all of these intense inversions come at a price of smoothness. Scream is far from a smooth ride, it has a very prominent rattle and some rather rough valleys. The hard over the shoulder restraints bash your head throughout the ride if you are on the shorter side, and let me tell you its not a pleasent feeling. The location of the ride is also rather dull, plopped onto a parking lot with not even a pinch of effort to hide it. One last negative point is how Scream is basically useless in SFMM's line up. SFMM already has Viper and Riddler which are far better loopers than Scream, basically rendering it useless. Heck, Riddler basically has a near identical set of elements, but executes it much better than Scream. In conclusion, although it is over hated, it is far from a perfect ride, but still a fun one nevertheless.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Airtimes Fun Obra maestra Capacidad

    Oh man, I love Ghostrider. Such a phenomenal wooden coaster with so much airtime and laterals. That drop off the midcourse is absolutely top tier in the back and your basically out of your seat for the whole duration of the second half until that unbanked helix. Unlike Goliaths where it packs in the positives, Ghostrider pins you to the side of the train with those strong sustained laterals. As a wooden coaster, Ghostrider is ridiculously smooth. Smoother than Hangtime infact which is much younger and is made of steel. Really shows how much care and maintenance Knotts does to this thing, love it to death and I always will. My one gripe is that they seem to run one train on Ghostrider on a variety of times I visited, which really sucks considering how stacked this park gets and how much attention Ghostrider receives.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Inversiones Fun Intensidad Tematización

    Why all the hate for this B&M invert? Its a long, smooth, graceful ride that takes you over the paths of Ghostown. And the intensity is still there with the final helix always making my feet numb. In my opinion its probably the best invert in SoCal, over Batman The Ride. Even though its much less intense, it has a variety of forces, and still has the intensity that many enthusiasts crave. Really great ride, just wish it had a bit more theming considering it is in the Ghostown area of the park where it kinda sticks out like a sore thumb.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Inversiones Fun Intensidad Torta Demasiado corto

    One of the most cloned layouts for a reason. This tiny invert packs a hard punch! Placed in a park filled with behemoths, this coaster seems to be forgotten, but its still one of the most intense coasters in the park. The corkscrews are ridiculously snappy and the two vertical loops are wayyy to intense, in a good way. Not to even mention that crazy zero g roll! However, it does a have a rattle like a lot of other B&Ms and is a bit short, so I can give it higher than a 3.5. A great invert for what it is, and a definite must ride every visit.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Primera caída Intensidad Hangtime Torta Arnés Incomodidad

    Whats with all the negative comments? Viper is a beast and no one can deny that. Its super intense with those vertical loops, has some surprising ejector pops and some super slow hangtime filled inversions at the end. Its only real con is the roughness, but people tend to forget that this ride was built in 1990. Its great for what it is and is still one of my favorites at the park. I just wish Magic Mountain would focus more on improving their older attractions, for example retracking, reprofiling Viper and giving it new trains, than just continuously adding more roller coasters. Great ride, does not deserve the hate.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Situación Fun Duración Vibración ¡Decepción!

    I really don't understand all the low ratings on this ride. It was built as a fun thrilling attraction for all and it does just that. Really fun winding layout across the hills of Magic Mountain, taking its riders on a tour around the park. It even has a strong pop of airtime as it enters the brakes. My one complaint with the ride is the smoothness and transitions, it is a very old arrow and one of their first, so its completely understandable. It did give me a bruise one time, so that experience wasn't very good, but overall its a fun ride for all riders and a nice introduction to much more thrilling roller coasters.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Primera caída Fun Ejectors Vibración Capacidad Lap Bar

    To be frank, I don't remember Hangtime being this rough. Maybe it hasn't aged well like many other Gerstlauers. Hangtime is still a great ride with a great layout, the ejector airtime and the wild first drop are incredible, but there are several bad jolts throughout the ride that causes me to rate it much lower than it should. Still recommend it, but just not the smoothest of the bunch. Also the lapbar tries to cut circulation from you legs so try not to pull it down too far.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Airtimes Tematización Fun Vibración Capacidad

    The one and only wooden coaster Apocalypse at SFMM. Honestly, an underrated ride at this SoCal megapark. It has some great airtime moments, the first drop is great, and some crazy laterals. Not to even mention the theming! Six flags really went all out on this attraction, and man is it great. That being said, it does ride a bit bumpier than the average woodie, which is my main gripe. Also the second half it does lose a lot of steam and kinda crawls through those final turns. Even with some pacing issues and the questionable smoothness, this coaster fills an important gap in SFMM line up, and is still an exceptional coaster.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Primera caída Fun Intensidad Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    X2, where do I begin. From the release of the chain to the slamming of the brakes, this ride is a complete mess. A good one of course. Its absolute insanity for about a minute. That first drop alone is absolutely crazy, facing down 200 ft while flipping is something you wont find on any other ride in the US. That being said, although the intensity is unrivaled, X2 feels like a car crash from beginning to end, especially that final raven turn, I I slammed my head very hard on the solid seats on one ride. If you are to experience this ride, just be wary it isn't the smoothest especially on the outside seat. On the inside it's bearable. As for recommended rows, I would say the back, getting whipped over that drop so violently is insane. I definitely recommend this ride, even with its flaws, its elite.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Primera caída Fun Ejectors

    Personally my second favorite coaster at SFMM after the mighty Goliath. Great RMC, tons of ejector airtime, gut punching first drop and the rare duel that just makes it even sweeter. Honestly an underrated RMC, the inversions are great, and the layout is spectacular. Could the conversion been longer given the size of the original colossus? Yes, but was it needed? No, this ride is perfect the way it is, incredible roller coaster, truely another homerun by RMC.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Suavidad

    Goliath at sfmm, one of the most hated Hyper coasters, wait let me rephrase that, COASTERS in general. I got the chance to ride it during a school trip and it was incredibly disappointing, however, I was lucky enough to experience it again and let me tell you, this ride does NOT deserve the hate it gets. First off, Goliath is glass smooth, no rattle no jankiness. I don't know what Giovanola did, but the smoothness of this ride is literally unmatched. So hows the layout? Well first after departing from the station in these super comfortable trains, you will ascend a 236ft tall lift hill. The train crawls at the top of the lift causing the people in the front row to hang foward, its a wild experience. Then the drop is awesome, my personal favorite drop at SFMM even though its a modest 61 degrees. The drop literally feels like it lasts for an eternity and gives some underrated floater in the back row. After a gigantic 255ft drop into the tunnel, you head up into a massive turnaround thats close to 200ft in height and the entrance offers some airtime combined with some wicked laterals. After a second drop, the train enters a super sustained strong floater moment. If you are in the back this moment is even more amplified. The train then enters the mid course which is the most criticized part of the ride, but its really not that bad. In the front, you get some lateral hangtime that makes you feel like your about to fall out! After some twists and turns the train enters the 540 degree downwards helix crushing you with some of the strongest and most sustained g force of any coaster. Some may find it uncomfortable, but for me its a highlight of the ride. Afterwards you enter a few more forceful turns before slamming into the final brakes. In conclusion, I really can't figure out whats to hate about this ride. It does something different and my god does it do it well. Unrivaled smoothness, great floater airtime, and absolutely crazy intensity. Goliath is a beast, one that people fail to recognize. One of the most underrated Hypers ever, sense of speed in the front makes my eyes water constantly. Even after riding amazing coasters like Velocicoaster and Mako, this is still my FAV. Thank you Giovanola for this masterpiece. Goliath > X2