• Laurenz T.

    First Drop Inversions Intensité

    Strong, intense ride and by far my favourite B&M Invert so far, with the other two being Monster (Gröna Lund) and Black Mamba. Oziris is obviously much longer than the other two and manages to pull some strong positives while also offering some good airtime. The first drop is one of my favourites too. A nice queue line and theming also add to the experience.

  • Lucy

    Inversions Fun

    I don't know why everyone seems to dislike boomerangs. This one doesn't have much wrong with it and i personally didn't experience any discomfort while riding it.

  • Andrea C.

    Airtimes Théma Chef d'oeuvre Débit Fiabilité

    Almost perfect ride, only problem I have with it is that the ride breaks down a lot and it has a really slow boarding system

  • Andrea C.

    Théma Situation Intensité Vibrations

    Pretty fun ride, never has a queue

  • Andrea C.

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Intensité Débit

    Seriously amazing invert, masterfully themed and incredibly intense and fun

  • Andrea C.

    Intensité Longueur Vibrations Inconfort

    Not as bad as most say but still pretty bad, kind of pointless layout mixed with horrible design of the track

  • Thijmen Bastiaansen

    Débit Confort Fun

    Always fun to do. The capacity is incredible, you almost never have to wait for this, even on busy summer days. The sountrack is a funny piece of music that stays in your head for a long time. The seats are comfortable. The layout itself is quite intense, especially in the second half.

  • Thijmen Bastiaansen

    Théma Débit Confort

    Always fun to do. The capacity is incredible, you almost never have to wait for this, even on busy summer days. The sountrack is a funny piece of music that stays in your head for a long time. The seats are comfortable. The layout itself is quite intense, especially in the second half.

  • Jessica Tinker

    Fun Fluidité

    Definitely a very unique coaster. I had no idea going in that it was a bobsled coaster which made it that much more fun. Not amazing enough to rank it high stars but it was fun.

  • Shroom

    Inversions Launch

    This ride really packs a punch. The launch is one of the most forceful I´ve experienced and the top hat gave some nice airtime. The inversions are also all very fun. I understand the complaint about the harness if you´re a bigger person, but I had no problems with it