• Ethan Jones

    This ride is severely overhated. Six flags America is my home park and I rode this as both mind eraser and skywinder. It used to absolutely suck as mind eraser but now it is a coaster I ride every time I visit. If you ride in the back of the orange train it is much smoother and a fun ride experience. I am happy six flags America is putting some work into a coaster and the new colors look great. Overall, this coaster looks good in STEAMTOWN and is not too rough. Like I said earlier, this ride is overhated and deserves some more love. You can trust me on this because I’ve ridden this at least 10 times and am always enjoying it. Also, try to ride in the back of the orange train it’s the smoothest. If people say it’s rough, they didn’t ride there.

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    Inversions Launch Fun Théma

    WOW this is a Hulk clone, but there are still a slight difference between them, with Decepticoaster feeling super smooth, plus I loved the inversions, especially the one right after the launch! Overall great coaster, but they couldve done a little more with the theming.

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    Inversions Intensité Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    This ride is really fun if you minus the discomfort and headbanging. The inversions are pretty nice.

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    First Drop Fluidité Trop court

    the first drop is like any other dive coaster, and the other drop is also very thrilling, also the inversions are pretty smooth.Only con is its too short!!!

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    Vitesse Intensité Layout Harnais Inconfort

    This coaster is intense! Making you feel the Gs in your body, with the additional harness the park recently added, it makes you feel sorta uncomfortable, but the camelhumps near the end of the ride are really fun!

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    First Drop Fun Vibrations Inconfort

    This is a clone of Wodan in europa park, put it really isnt as good as it is, being very shaky and unstable, but it does have that satisfying first drop

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    Théma Trop court Déception !

    The layout is kinda mid, but you do get to run through it twice, I rode this before it caught fire, so that might be the reason why its rated low. The best part was when you run through the tunnel into the playground/cave and there are epic lighting all around you!

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    First Drop Fun Inconfort

    Living in Swizerland before, I feel like the theming was on point, with the elevator lift ascending to the top being the best part of the whole thing, with chickens surrounding all around you.The only dissapointing bit is that the ride feels like its throwing you around which I sort or dislike.

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    First Drop Théma Fun Débit Intensité

    I like how this ride is based off of the the Can Can dance, and has some really nice theming in the queue, but the wait time UGHHHHH way too long! Also, it being indoors makes it really immersive, making you feel like flying through the streets of Paris!

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    First Drop Théma Inconfort

    I LOOOOOVE THE SOUNDTRACK GOING UP THE VERTICAL LIFT HILL, ITS SUCH A BOP.In all seriousness, the first drop feel pretty good and smooth, but the rest of the rides make you feel a slight discomfort when going down, wait times are a little too long, but I rode it just to hear the music!