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Baffes Théma A raser !
Horrible when they hopefully get rid of it I will be celebrating 🤮
Théma Inversions Longueur Baffes
Amazing ride but headbanging is a problem they did it to reborn so do it to smiler 😁
Théma Chef d'oeuvre Layout Inconfort
Ride row 7, train 2, left side. Top 5 layout, if only they had chosen a better launch subcontractor. Dollywood, now that you've given up on its title, can we get a full steel retracking for 2025? Also, the ride Ops listen if you're screaming "STOP THE RIDE." I guess the anti-rollback got wedged in a down position, because the back car was visibly slamming up and down on the lift hill. It'll probably be down for a little bit - Nov. 24th
Airtimes Fun Longueur
Nonstop hand choppers, amazing pops of airtime, honestly is #2 in the park. Whoever says it has rattle didn't ride it in 2024, you can hear it and feel it, but it just adds to the elite woodie experience, no discomfort from it whatsoever. I need a night ride now... Update for October 26- I got a post-rain ride, and it makes the pacing even more elite. November 24 Update- This gets faster the colder it gets, I swear. They found the combination that would be weakest on any other coaster, frigid conditions & squeaky wheels, and made it tear around the course. Also, a sub-40 night ride in a t-shirt was elite. Almost beat an RMC.
Airtimes First Drop Longueur Vibrations Théma Inconfort
Great ride. Good airtime in spots, the first drop in the back row is great. The ride is very rough in some parts, though this can be forgiven because it is a woodie. Lacks any sort of theming.
Inversions Intensité Vibrations Théma
this has absolutely no theming. also it has a small rattle. It's very intense.
Harnais Intensité Fluidité Trop court
Lots better than Lagoon's Bat. Surprisingly intense for a family coaster.
Lap Bar Fun Fluidité Launch
The launch could be stronger, but it's a good ride.
Situation Fun Temps mort
Rode it near the front. It’s fun. But the turns are definitely not smooth. I think they should have just had one lift hill and have it go all the way to the top.The brakes are also oddly bumpy. It would be cool if it’s timed perfectly, you could get a great view of Full Throttle while riding this.