• A Wild Walter

    This is the most underrated rollercoaster in the world. The ejector on this ride is INSANE, especially at night. Get a night ride on this, it’s sure as heck worth it. This beats out every B&M in Ohio (except Diamondback I still love you 😘).

  • A Wild Walter

    It’s underrated, but it isn’t outstanding. Do it once just because it has a station wait all the time and be done with it.

  • A Wild Walter

    Just a GP gimmick of a ride. Nothing more. Good thing is that it sucks crowds away from actually good rides so us thoosies can have an easier wait SteVe. If you’re gonna ride it, wait until nights where it has no crowd.

  • A Wild Walter

    First Drop Hangtime

    I mean it isn’t mind blowing. In terms of wings it is just super average. It makes for a cool park entrance and spectacle, but the actual ride isn’t much to praise. It moves pretty slow, and although that makes for some nice hang time, I would still rather have the intense, whippy inversions that Raptor had over the slow graceful ones. Still an okay ride, just nothing to rave about.

  • A Wild Walter

    I chose airtime over fertility. If I don’t have any kids, know this is why.

  • A Wild Walter


    Man I love the intensity. There’s no rattle, no matter what people say. The inversions snap you like crazy. Funny story, on my first ride, the restraint popped up all the way on the lifthill, so I just used this to my advantage and gave myself a few clicks of room between myself and the restraint. Then the restraints were crushed onto me at the end of the first drop, so that was fun. Almost four stars, but I’ll settle for three and a half.

  • A Wild Walter

    First Drop Lap Bar Vitesse Airtimes

    Okay, maybe it is a little forceless. It is still a really fast, nice, well-paced ride that, while tame, is still a joy. I do wish it had more airtime. The moments it does have are good to great, but it only has four moments of air.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Harnais Fiabilité

    Love the ride. The actual coaster is a great, whippy, intense machine. Two problems, the restraints are kinda bad, and it closes whenever it rains even a little. Other than that, the Stengel dives and the first drop are some of the best elements of all time.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors

    Back row SteVe is the best rollercoaster of all time. Change my mind.

  • TwanTastic

    Théma Fluidité Trop court Layout

    Actually this Mack watercoaster is pretty smooth compared to Poseidon at Europa Park. Theming is great, capacity is okay but it's really short. The duration of the ride is acceptable, since the sections with water channels take a while.