• James J.

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors Vibrations

    This coaster will always be a fun ride that I will always ride whenever I am at the park. The front row by far the best but the back is really good. The drop has solid floater in the back but the coaster is rougher. In the front the drop is not that good but the smoothness and airtime on all the hills make up for it. Overall a nice classic woodie with a couple of rough spots and nice airtime.

  • James J.

    Inversions Fun Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    In a park with no other coasters that invert it has its reasons for being here but that still doesn’t change the fact that this is not a comfortable coaster at all. Lots of head banging around the helix and corkscrews and while I do not find it as bad as others make it out to be it is definitely not a good thing either. Outside of the negatives I definitely do think this is a fun coaster and it has its place in the park, but I do think that once the park adds a new coaster that goes upside down I definitely think that this rides days may be numbered.

  • James J.


    It’s a kids coaster. The main pros are its smooth and a free credit.

  • James J.

    Longueur Débit A raser ! Lap Bar

    What horrible waste of space and steel this ride SUCKS. At this rate anything but this coaster will be better in this location except maybe kids rides. This ride has horrible capacity, an atrociously long line, the worst lap bars imaginable that dig into your stomach and thighs more and more as the coaster goes on, and lastly you have to wait like five minutes on the brake run (while hornets and wasps try to murder you) just to get off the coaster. Overall I am never riding this coaster ever again in my life.

  • James J.

    Launch Intensité Fluidité Trop court

    Steel Venom is very simple yet very fun coaster that packs a punch. The first launch comes out of nowhere despite the countdown and the holding brake is still one the terrifying moments on a coaster. The front tower also provides some nice laterals as you twist as well and is cool to experience at night if you’re in the front row because all you have in front of you is pitch black darkness. Overall this is a short, sweet, and unique coaster.

  • James J.

    First Drop Fluidité Longueur Vibrations Temps mort

    This is a very interesting coaster to review because it has two really good moments in the first drop and first airtime hill but the rest of the ride is just kind of okay. It isn’t necessary bad or uncomfortable or unenjoyable it just kind of exists. But overall this is a nice fun “family thrill” coaster that has some nice airtime and visuals and is overall really fun. Don’t expect it to blow you away, just expect it to be a nice fun supporting coaster at a solid park.

  • James J.

    Airtimes First Drop Vitesse Vibrations

    By far one of the best coasters I have done so far. The first drop is excellent whipping you from one side to the other. After that the ride continues with an incredible pace and packs all of the best elements in consecutive. What an incredible ride.

  • James J.

    Confort Fluidité Théma Temps mort Intensité

    I had never done a Maurer spinner but had heard good things about others around the US. To say least I was very disappointed. My mom who cannot do spinning rides could do this one unharmed and when that is the case about a spinning coaster that means it is bad.

  • James J.

    First Drop Fluidité Hangtime Trop court Lap Bar

    An extremely fun ride that starts with an incredible first drop at 101 degrees the multitude of inversions and whippy elements that follow including the unique Finnish loop, an intense Immelmann, and a hangtime filled dive loop stall thing make it a must ride for me.

  • James J.

    Lap Bar Confort Fluidité Déception ! Temps mort Intensité

    Off ride this ride looks like it could a really solid wooden coaster with its many airtime hills and promising looking buzz bar restraints. However the ride experience itself is not as good other than some whip into the far turnaround in the front the ride is very boring. The ride is very comparable in a way to Wild Thing at my home park Valleyfair where it is really fast nut has no intensity but that one has more redeeming qualities than this does. Went in expecting a nice classic coaster came out as a boring and pointless layout with no airtime.